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Employment Prospects

This is a large occupational group which has grown rapidly in recent years. It has increased since 1990 by nearly 30%, while total employment in all occupations grew by only 13%. However, the forecast for future growth is much more modest.

However, given its large present base of nearly 12,000 jobs and an expectation of nearly 1,700 departures from the occupation due to attrition, total openings could amount to nearly 3,000 positions by the year 2005.

In the longer run, an aging population is expected to increase demand for the services of these workers. Other areas where growth is expected are in native outreach and community development, especially for youth, as well as in addiction services and rehabilitation.

See Also

Social Services Certificate

Example Job Titles

Admission Requirements

Graduation Requirement

Promotion Policy

Promotion Policy - Field Work Courses

Failures and Withdrawals

Advance Standing


Course Listings

Course Descriptions