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Program Introduction

This two-year diploma program is designed to provide the theory and practical skills essential to begin a career in Resort and Hotel Management.

Courses in this diploma provide instruction in Hotel Operations, Food and Beverage Management and hospitality administration. By use of lecture, fieldwork, case studies and practical applications, students will gain insight into management and operations in this dynamic field. In addition to hospitality related courses, students will gain experience in computer applications, accounting, finance, cost control, marketing and business communications. Graduates will have a well-rounded exposure to the industry that will increase their employability.

Tourism Programs at UCC have the strong support and commitment of the hospitality industry. Courses have been developed with consultation and continued input from professionals working in resorts and hotels. Graduates have found employment in a variety of resorts and hotels throughout the world. Employment opportunities for students are often activated by work experience opportunities that have been built into our diploma program.

Careers in this field can be demanding, challenging and rewarding. Students with high standards, a commitment to success and a strong guest service focus will find infinite possibilities for careers in this industry.

See Also

Resort and Hotel Management Diploma

Admission Requirements

Program Development

Graduation Credentials

Transfer Opportunities

Program Outline

Course Descriptions

Co-operative Education

Resort and Hotel Management Diploma Co-op Time Pattern (One Co-op Work Term)