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Program Introduction

Food and Beverage operations are a major part of the Hospitality Industry, which in turn is one of the largest sectors in Tourism. This sector will require far more trained personnel over the foreseeable future to work in and run, not only the various styles of operations that presently exist, but also the new operations that are currently being planned for this province.

Added to the increasing numbers of new people into this tourist region are the large numbers of people who live and work in this community who have equal, but regular demands of comfort, service and quality to make their stay more enjoyable.

These patterns, along with changing food trends are creating daily challenges for operators of food and beverage outlets. It is therefore essential for establishments that not only wish to survive, but wish to stay competitive to have more professionally trained staff.

See Also

Food and Beverage Management Certificate

Admission Requirements

Program Development

Graduation Credentials

Program Outline

Course Descriptions