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Application Deadline Information

When to Apply

Applications are accepted starting October 1 each year, for programs starting in August or September the following year. Apply to UCC on-line at

Deadlines to Apply

  1. First Year University Arts, Science, and Business:

    Early Application Deadline: March 1, 2004

  2. Transfers to UCC Degrees:

    Students from any other college or university can apply to transfer to UCC anytime after October 1 – applications will be accepted until the program is full.

  3. All Other Programs:

    Deadlines will vary from January through August 2004.

Apply early: Students from all over BC and across Canada are now applying for admission. This makes applying early all the more important, as many programs have a limited capacity.

See Also

Application Procedure

Application Fee ($25.00) for “First-time” Students

Admission Types

Wait List Policy