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Applying for Admission (Step 1)

In This Section

Application Procedure

Admission – General Policy

Admission Of Mature Students

Admission of Students Currently Enrolled in Secondary School

Admission From Secondary Schools Which Are Not Accredited Provincially

Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Programs

Citizenship Requirement

International Students

Transfer Credit

Use of Personal Information Notification

See Also

Admission, Registration and Fees

Registration (Step 2)

Fees/Payment of Fees (Step 3)

Application Procedure

You can apply for Admission to UCC three (3) different ways:

  1. Apply on-line at or
  2. Complete the 'Application for Admission' form available at high schools, college and university career/advising centres, and send it to UCC Admissions, along with the $25.00 application fee.
  3. Contact UCC Admissions directly, and request an Admissions Package for your program – this will include an Application Form, and all other forms and information required to complete the Admissions process.

Admissions packages are available from:

The Admissions and Registration Department

The University College of the Cariboo

P.O. Box 3010

Kamloops, B.C. V2C 5N3

Phone: (250) 828-5071

Fax: (250) 371-5960


The completed forms, together with necessary official transcripts of grades and any other required documents, should be returned to Admissions.