Applying for Admission (Step 1)
Application Procedure
You can apply for Admission to UCC three (3) different ways:
- Apply on-line at or
- If you do not submit the $25.00 application fee electronically with your on-line application, you must send it to UCC Admissions – your application is not processed until the fee has been received.
- Your application will be acknowledged, and you will receive further information on other requirements in the admissions process.
- Complete the 'Application for Admission' form available at high schools, college and university career/advising centres, and send it to UCC Admissions, along with the $25.00 application fee.
- Your application will be acknowledged, and you will receive further information on other requirements in the admissions process.
- Contact UCC Admissions directly, and request an Admissions Package for your program – this will include an Application Form, and all other forms and information required to complete the Admissions process.
Admissions packages are available from:
The Admissions and Registration Department
The University College of the Cariboo
P.O. Box 3010
Kamloops, B.C. V2C 5N3
Phone: (250) 828-5071
Fax: (250) 371-5960
The completed forms, together with necessary official transcripts of grades and any other required documents, should be returned to Admissions.