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Student Society Fees

The Cariboo Student Society (CSS) has approved the following fees, which are payable at the same time as UCC fees:

Academic and Career/Technical Programs:

Vocational (non-semestered) Programs:

Extended Health & Dental Plan


The Total Student Society Fees above are made up of the following:

Building Levy Fee

For the future consideration of a student owned and operated building:

Cariboo Child Care Society

Cariboo Student Society Fees

Following a motion of the General Membership, student society fees shall be as follows:

Employment Centre Fee

Omega Newspaper Fee

Radio Station Fee

Student Job Opportunities on campus:

Upgrade and maintain the UCC weight room:

See Also

Fees/Payment of Fees (Step 3)

Tuition Fees (as of April 1, 2003) (subject to change)

Additional UCC Fees

Payment Of Fees (subject to change)

Fee Refund Policies

Administrative Charges