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Fee Refund Policies

A signed official withdrawal form and the student's copy of the registration data form must be returned to the Records Department before a refund is processed. Refunds will be determined based on the date a signed official withdrawal is received by the Records Department.

  1. Semesterized Programming
    1. Withdrawal prior to or during the first or second week of instruction will be subject to a 100% refund of fees less the commitment fee paid.
    2. Withdrawal after second week of instruction—no refund.
  2. Monthly Programming

    For those programs assessed on a monthly basis, students will be refunded the portion of tuition paid but not used.

  3. Extension Services Programming
    1. Prior to the commencement of the course a full refund is provided.
    2. After the first night of instruction no refund is provided.
  4. Medical Withdrawal

    Semesterized Programs:

    Regardless of date, students who completely withdraw from all of their courses for medical reasons during the semester will be provided with 80% of tuition fees on receipt of an official medical excuse from their doctor.

    Monthly Programs:

    For those programs assessed on a monthly basis, students will be refunded the portion of tuition paid but not used.

See Also

Fees/Payment of Fees (Step 3)

Tuition Fees (as of April 1, 2003) (subject to change)

Additional UCC Fees

Student Society Fees

Payment Of Fees (subject to change)

Administrative Charges