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JIM COLLINGRIDGE, B.Ed. (Alta.), M.A. (Gonzaga), Counsellor

BYRON KEMP, B.Sc. (Oregon), M.Ed. (Western Wash), Counsellor (W.L.)

DAVID LIDSTER, B.Ed. (Brit.Col.), M.Ed. (U.Vic.), Counsellor

VALERIE MCHARG, B.A.(Brit. Col.), M.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Counsellor

MARY ANN MOCHIZUKI, B.Sc. (Brit.Col.), M.Ed. (U.Vic), Counsellor

DIANA HOHNE-SINCLAIR, Secretary/Receptionist

The Counsellors at The University College of the Cariboo are professionals trained to provide a variety of counselling services designed to promote and support student academic success, identification and achievement of appropriate career goals, and personal growth.

Career and Educational Counselling is available to students who are uncertain about their career goals. Counselling can help students make realistic career plans based on interests, needs, abilities, and values.

Personal Counselling and Crisis Counselling is available to help students who are experiencing personal difficulties which may affect their ability to succeed in university-college programs or courses. Counsellors can help students clarify issues, overcome obstacles and find effective ways of dealing with problems. Counsellors may also refer students to community agencies for further assistance.

Workshops are scheduled throughout academic terms to help students in such areas as career planning, study skills, time management, test anxiety, and stress management.

Career Resource Centre: On-line career information is available to students and prospective students through Internet access located in the Counselling Centre.

The Counselling Department is located in the Old Main Building (OM1651). Counselling appointments may be made in person at the reception desk or by telephone at (250) 828-5023 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Summer hours are 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Please visit our website at for further information on workshop times and course scheduling.

See Also

Services for Students

Aboriginal Students

Academic Advising (OM1100)

Assessment Centre

Athletics and Recreation


Code of Student Conduct

Degree Advising Sessions

Disability Services

Financial Aid And Awards

Harassment Prevention


Office of Student Affairs

Recycling Services

‘Step One Workshops’

Student Success Seminars

Timetabling/Registration Workshop

UCC Student Employment Centre

Wellness Centre