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Recycling Services

There are many recycling programs at UCC, several of which are available for the use of students. Office paper can be recycled in bins designated for this purpose in hallways and computer rooms, and newspaper can be recycled in the lower part of the purple Omega boxes. Pop cans and glass bottles are placed in the blue bins located in student lounges and near beverage dispensers. Cardboard can also be recycled in the dumpster in front of the Stores/Facilities building. UCC is taking a proactive stance on waste reduction, so should you – reduce, reuse, recycle!

See Also

Services for Students

Aboriginal Students

Academic Advising (OM1100)

Assessment Centre

Athletics and Recreation


Code of Student Conduct


Degree Advising Sessions

Disability Services

Financial Aid And Awards

Harassment Prevention


Office of Student Affairs

‘Step One Workshops’

Student Success Seminars

Timetabling/Registration Workshop

UCC Student Employment Centre

Wellness Centre