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Program Requirements

The Major in Economics program requires the completion of at least:

45 credits in Economics (ECON and BUEC)

3 credits in Mathematics

3 credits from disciplines within the Arts Division

From the 45 credits in Economics, a minimum of 30 credits must be at the upper level (300 and 400 level) of which no less than 6 credits must be at the 400 level.

The program consists of required and elective courses. There is also a number of suggested courses.

Required Economics courses

ECON 190

Introductory Microeconomics

ECON 195

Introductory Macroeconomics

ECON 290

Intermediate Microeconomics I

ECON 295

Intermediate Macroeconomics I

BUEC 232

Economic and Business Statistics I

BUEC 333

Economic and Business Statistics II

ECON 390

Intermediate Microeconomics II



ECON 395

Intermediate Macroeconomics II

Required Mathematics courses:

Choose one of the following two sets

MATH 140

Calculus for Commerce and Social Sciences 1



MATH 114

Calculus 1





Supplementary Arts Requirement:

Choose one of the following courses

ANTH 121

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

ANTH 224

Symbolic Analysis

ENGL 229

Business, Technical and Professional Communication

GEOG 120

Introduction to Human Geography: Themes in Geographical Change

GEOG 211

Economic Geography

HIST 122

History of Canada

PHIL 111

Critical Thinking

PHIL 201

Introduction to Ethics

PHIL 221

Contemporary Moral Issues

POLI 111

The Government and Politics of Canada

POLI 121

Contemporary Ideologies

Any second year POLI course

PSYC 111

Introduction to Psychology

SOCI 111

Introduction to Sociology

SPEE 150

Speech Communication

SPEE 160

Speech Communication

SPEE 250

Business Presentations

Elective courses

Students can choose any of the Economics courses (ECON and BUEC) to fulfill the requirement of 45 credits of Economics.

Suggested courses

The following courses are recommended as elective courses to supplement the Economics Major recommended Arts electives.

ANTH 215

Studies in Ethnography

ANTH 219

Ancient North Americans

ANTH 260

Minorities in the Modern World

GEOG 210

Human Interaction with the Natural Environment

GEOG 310

Environment and Resources

GEOG 361

Introduction to Economic Geography

HIST 227

Major Issues in American History

PHIL 330

Moral and Political Philosophy II

PHIL 222

Elementary Formal Logic

POLI 344

Social and Political Thought

POLI 303

Federalism in Canada

PSYC 222

Introduction to Social Psychology

SOCI 360

Sociology and Natural Resources

SOCI 361

Social Inequality

See Also

Major Program in Economics

Admission Requirements