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Course requirements:

Lower level

MATH 140


MATH 114

BUEC 232

Economics and Business Statistics

ECON 190

Principles of Microeconomics

ECON 195

Principles of Macroeconomics

ECON 290

Intermediate Microeconomics I

ECON 295

Intermediate Macroeconomics I

POLI 111

The Government and Politics in Canada

POLI 121

Contemporary Ideologies

Select any two (2) additional second year POLI courses

Upper level

Select Four courses from the following list:

ECON 310-3

Canadian Financial Markets

ECON 350-3

Public Finance

ECON 355-3

International Economics

ECON 360-3

Labour Economics

ECON 361-3

Industrial Relations

ECON 365-3

Government and Business

ECON 367-3

Economic Analysis of the Law

ECON 370-3

Benefit-cost Analysis and the Economics of project Analysis

ECON 371-3

Economics of the Environment

ECON 373-3

Forestry Economics

ECON 384-3

Economic Analysis of Health Services

ECON 450-3

Economics of Taxation

ECON 455-3

International Trade

ECON 456-3

International Macroeconomics and Finance

ECON 472-3

Development Economics

ECON 480-3

Transportation Economics

Select four courses from the following list:

POLI 301-3

Canadian Political Parties

POLI 303-3

Federalism in Canada

POLI 305-3

Canadian Political Ideas

POLI 320-3/6

American Government and Politics

POLI 342-3

Modern Political Thought

POLI 344-3

Social and Political Thought

POLI 346-3

Democratic Theory

POLI 365-3

Government and Business

POLI 401-3

Canadian Provincial and Regional Politics

POLI 402-3

Politics of the Canadian Constitution

POLI 405-3

Topics in Canadian Politics

POLI 406

Topics in Latin American Politics

Select any two (2) additional ECON or BUEC third or fourth year courses.

Recommended: Any one history course and an additional six (6) language credits

See Also

Major Program in Economic and Political Studies

Admission Requirements

Program Requirements