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Course Requirements

Honours students will take the following courses in the last year:

Semester 7

NRSC 321


Range Management

NRSC 322


Wildlife Management

ANTH 219


ANTH 260



Ancient North Americans


Minorities in the Modern World


ANTH 327


First Nations Natural Resource Management

NRSC 498


Honours Seminar

NRSC 499


2 Electives


Honours Thesis

Total: 17 credits




Semester 8

NRSC 410


Fisheries Management

NRSC 411


Watershed Management

NRSC 421


Conflict Resolution

NRSC 499


Honours Thesis

1 Elective



Total: 18 credits


Minimum credits required to graduate with the BNRS (Hons.) degree: 125

See Also

Bachelor of Natural Resource Science Honours Program

Selection of Thesis Project

Selection of the Thesis Examining Committee

Admission Requirements

Requirements for Acceptance into the Program