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Bachelor of Natural Resource Science Honours Program

Program Description

The Bachelor of Natural Resource Science (BNRS) Honours Program is designed for students who demonstrate academic excellence, and who wish to develop their scientific skills by conducting an individual research project under the supervision of a faculty member. The program will be especially appealing to students contemplating graduate studies following the completion of the undergraduate degree. Upon successful completion of the program, students would receive the "With Honours' distinction on their degree, and assign to their name the title "BNRS (Hons.)."

It will be the responsibility of the student to approach faculty members regarding supervision. Department faculty will be under no formal obligation to supervise Honours students, and our departmental policy will be that faculty should supervise no more than two Honours students at a time. Thus, neither the Department of Natural Resource Sciences nor the University College of the Cariboo will be obliged to identify a supervisor, even in the event that the student meets the academic criteria needed for entry into the Honours Program.

Thesis supervision by scientists external to the Department of Natural Resource Sciences may be permitted under certain conditions. The first step will be a letter submitted to the Department, by the student, outlining the proposed research and the credentials of the proposed supervisor. Consideration of the proposed external supervisor will be made jointly by the full-time department faculty, and decisions will be final. The faculty may request a letter and CV from the potential supervisor, in order to ensure he or she possesses the necessary credentials, and that he or she recognises the responsibility associated with the supervision of an Honours thesis.

In This Section

Selection of Thesis Project

Selection of the Thesis Examining Committee

Admission Requirements

Requirements for Acceptance into the Program

Course Requirements

See Also

Bachelor of Natural Resource Science Degree Program

Admission Requirements

Course Requirements