Students in the B.Sc. in General Science must take (or have taken) 6 UCC credits of 100 level mathematics (calculus) and three credits of 100 level introductory courses in each of chemistry, computing science (specifically COMP 100 or COMP 113), physics, and either biology or geology in their first two years. The specific courses that are acceptable are listed under "Graduation Requirements". Students must also take 6 additional UCC science credits from any area of science (astronomy, biology, chemistry, computing science, geology, physical geography, physics, statistics) during their first two years. In addition, students must ensure that they obtain first year prerequisites for all second year courses they will require.
During the first two years at least six credits of English must also be completed. (Students who do not achieve a high level of performance in their first English course will be required to complete 9 credits of English.)
The General Science program requires careful planning by the student. Students must ensure that during their second year they complete the prerequisites to the upper level (300- and 400-level) courses they plan to take in subsequent years. Failure to do so may result in more than four years being required to complete their degree.
Students with sufficiently high standing may, with special permission from the B.Sc. Advisor, enrol in a limited number of upper level courses prior to admission to third year. Normally, this may not exceed 6 upper level credits. These will count toward the 48 credits of upper level courses required for graduation.