Graduation Requirements For a B.Sc. Major Degree
Note: The following graduation requirements apply to students who entered first year Science PRIOR to the fall of 1997.
- Completion of at least 120 UCC course credits with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. (Up to 60 credits may be transferred from another institution.) These credits may NOT include BIOL 360, MATH 100, MATH 110, MATH 190, PHYS 113, any Physical Education activity courses or any non-academic courses. If in doubt, students should contact an academic advisor or the B.Sc. Advisor. Remedial courses with course numbers less than 100 are also excluded.
- At least 48 credits of Arts and Science courses must be in courses numbered 300 or above, and of these, at least 30 credits must be in Science (including Computing and Mathematics) courses. (See specific requirements for each Major program). The remaining upper level credits may be from any area of Arts or Sciences.
- At least 72 credits must be in Science disciplines (Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Computing Science, Geology, Mathematics, Physical Geography, Physics and Statistics). These must include the courses specified under each Major Degree Program. Normally, introductory courses must be completed during the first two years of the Program.
- Specific upper level requirements for a Major Program are:
- Chemical Biology: at least 39 credits of BIOL and CHEM courses numbered 300 or above
- Animal Biology: at least 39 credits of BIOL courses numbered 300 or above
- Ecology and Environmental Biology: at least 39 credits of BIOL courses numbered 300 or above
- General Biology: at least 33 credits of BIOL courses numbered 300 or above
- Chemistry: at least 30 credits of CHEM courses numbered 300 or above
- Environmental Chemistry: at least 39 credits of CHEM courses numbered 300 or above
- Computing Science: at least 36 credits of COMP courses numbered 300 or above
- Mathematics: at least 30 credits of MATH courses numbered 300 or above (may include up to 6 credits of STAT or COMP [or CPSC] courses numbered 300 or above amongst these credits).
- Mathematical Sciences: at least 12 credits of MATH courses, 15 credits of COMP (or CPSC) courses and 9 credits of STAT courses, all numbered 300 or above.
- Physics: at least 30 credits of PHYS courses numbered 300 or above.
- At least 18 credits must be in Arts or Humanities courses, including 6 credits from ENGL 110, 111 and 121 (i.e. any two of these three English courses).