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Majors Program

The Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Majors program is intended for students wishing to specialize in a single field of science. This may lead to graduate study if a sufficiently high standing is obtained.

The courses available in the B.Sc. Majors program also meet the course requirements for entry into a variety of professional programs such as Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Rehabilitation Sciences at UBC and most other universities offering similar programs, the Veterinary Medicine program at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan and the pre-veterinary year at the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph, the Optometry program in the School of Optometry at the University of Waterloo, the Chiropractic program at Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College and the Naturopathic Medicine program at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, as well as similar programs at other institutions in Canada and the United States. Completion of these course requirements does not guarantee admission to these programs. Specific university calendars should be consulted for detailed admission requirements and application procedures for these programs.

Majors in the following areas are offered at UCC: Animal Biology, Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology, Ecology and Environmental Biology, General Biology, Chemical Biology, Chemistry, Computing Science, Environmental Chemistry, Mathematics, Mathematical Sciences and Physics. Students wishing to enter a Major Program in these areas should meet with the B.Sc. Advisor for further information.

Students wishing to include a broader range of courses in a Major Program may be able to proceed in a B.Sc. Major program at UCC by completing as many of their course requirements as possible at UCC, and completing any remaining course requirements (to a maximum of 30 credits) at another university as a 'visiting student.' A Letter of Permission from UCC is required for 'visiting student' status.

In This Section

Majors Program With a Minor

Double Majors Program

B.Sc. Co-operative Education Degree Program

Course Requirements For A Major Program

Honours Program

See Also

Bachelor of Science Degree Program

General Information

General Science Degree Program

Specific Course Requirements for Majors Programs

Program Planning

Graduation Requirements For a B.Sc. Major Degree

Graduation RequirementsFor a B.Sc. in General Science

Graduation Requirements For a B.Sc. Degree (Major) and a B.Sc. Degree (General Science)

Laddering Into The B.Sc. Degree - An Option For Graduates of Technology Diploma Programs

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Accounting