
FSR Preparation Courses - Application of Electrical Codes and Standards

Thompson Rivers University is an approved training provider of Technical Safety BC’s mandatory FSR Preparation courses.

An Electrical Field Safety Representative (FSR) is a person who is certified to make declarations that the work described in an electrical installation or operating permit complies with the Safety Standards Act and Electrical Safety Regulation. An FSR can make these declarations on behalf of a contractor. In order to become a certified FSR, you must meet certain eligibility requirements (dependent on certification class) and pass a certification exam.

TRU's FSR course offerings are delivered fully online with continuous enrolment availability. The preparation courses are self-paced and self-directed, and include subject matter support by phone and email. Participant registration grants 30 weeks of access to the course to successfully prepare for their desired FSR exam.

"TRU’s online FSR preparation course is very well put together and did a great job preparing me for the Technical Safety FSR-B exam. After close to 20 years without taking a test like this, I really needed the practice and to get my mind back in learning/studying mode and it did the trick. My instructor, Mark Evans, was quick to reply with any questions I had and was there to lend a hand anytime I needed it. I have taken another FSR course in the past and the online delivery and ease of use made me successful this time around.”

— Darcy Staples

Class A/B/C(XELC 0632)

Designed for qualified electricians who may want to write the Technical Safety, BC provincial exam to attain their Field Site Representative status / Contractors License (A, B, C ticket).

Class A

A Class A FSR (Field Safety Representative) certificate of qualification entitles the holder to submit declarations on behalf of their employer for any type of regulated electrical work. There are no voltage or ampere limitations.

Class B

A Class B FSR (Field Safety Representative) certificate of qualification entitles the holder to submit declarations on behalf of their employer for regulated electrical work only with respect to electrical installations where the voltage of the completed installation is under 750 volts. The certification also covers the Underground Raceway scope, allowing underground conduit installations at any voltage.

Class C

A Class C FSR (Field Safety Representative) certificate of qualification entitles the holder to submit declarations on behalf of their employer for regulated electrical work only with respect to electrical installations where the voltage of the installation is under 150 volts to ground; ampacity is restricted to 200 amps or less and, single phase power.

Course Fee: $829

XELC 0630 - Class A/B/C Continuing Education Requirement for Renewal

The Electrical Safety Regulation (section 10.1) requires you to satisfy continuing education requirements before renewing your FSR certificate of qualification. There are different continuing education requirements depending on your certificate class. This online delivery qualifies as your eight hours of continuing education required by Technical Safety BC.  Participant registration grants 12 weeks of access to this renewal course.

Course Fee: $209

XELC 0720 - Class C-R - Low Energy

The Class C-R - Low Energy field safety representative (FSR) certificate of qualification is a restricted class within the Class C category. With this certificate, all wiring and equipment installed must be restricted to limited power supply circuits in accordance with the requirements for Class 2 circuits - a maximum of 100 volt-amperes. You may also perform work on a dedicated branch circuit from an existing panel board or extension of an existing branch circuit wiring, rated at 15 amperes, 120 volts, to an outlet installed specifically for a Class 2 power supply.

Note: this certificate class was previously named class LO (Low Energy).

Course Fee: $629

XELC 0750 - Class B-R - Refrigeration

The Class B-R: Refrigeration field safety representative (FSR) certificate of qualification is a restricted class within the Class B category. With this certificate, you may make declarations on behalf of your employer for regulated electrical work only with respect to electrical installations in which the voltage of the completed installation does not exceed 750 volts. This applies to the following installations: circuits for refrigeration equipment, air-conditioning units, heat pumps, and chillers.

Note: this certificate class was previously named class RE (Refrigeration).

Course Fee: $629

XELC 0710 - Class B-R Full Entertainment

The Class B-R: Full Entertainment Field Safety Representative (FSR) certificate of qualification is a restricted class within the Class B category. With this certificate, you may perform temporary installation, maintenance, operation, and testing of feeders, branch circuits, and electrical equipment. These are typically used for the production of trade shows, exhibits, displays, festivals, conventions, stage, theatre, carnivals, traveling shows, movie or television locations, and film or video productions.

Course Fee: $629

Course Extension - All FSR Preparation Courses

In order to maximize student success, Thompson Rivers University’s Workforce Development Division may allow students to extend the duration of their courses. The Coordinator may, in his/her sole discretion, allow a student in a self-paced, independent-study course one-course extension for a fee. In order for an extension to be approved:

 1. Students must submit a written extension request prior to the course completion date.
 2. Students must have made their way through at least half of the course material.

 Extension requests can be submitted to csinfo@tru.ca. Second extensions will not be granted for any reason.

Extension Fee: $329

XELC 0670 – Programmable Logic Controllers Level 1

With the growing demand for automation processes, the need for knowledgeable and experienced programmable logic controller professionals is more apparent than ever. PLCs are used in many industries to monitor and control production processes and building systems. This 30-hour course introduces electricians, as well as those who are familiar with conventional motor control theory, to the basic operating principles and various field applications of Programmable Logic Controllers. The course will be based on Allen Bradley systems and Siemens systems. PLC software training will include a hands-on project to operate a lumber J-bar sorter. Programming instructions will include timers and counters, as well as several more advanced instructions. Required Materials: 2 GB Flash Drive

Dates: TBD

Day: Saturdays & Sundays  8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Course Duration: 30 classroom and practical lab hours

Course Fee: $899

XELC 0770 - Programmable Logic Controllers Level 2

This course is designed to take the student beyond the basic level of PLC programming and installation. It will expand on the PLC architecture, analog I/O as well as PLC to PLC communication via Ethernet. More advanced instructions are incorporated into laboratory experiments. These include math, program control, and data manipulation as well as others. An introduction to Human Machine Interfacing (HMI) to the PLC will be given. The student will be completing a number of labs involving the course theory covered.

Dates: TBD

Day: Fridays  3:00 pm - 9:00 pm
         Saturdays and Sundays 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Course Duration: 40 classroom and lab learning hours

Course Fee: $999

XWLD 0540 - Arc Flash Safety Workshop

Arc Flash Training Workshop designed for front-line workers responsible for electrical systems in the CSA Z462-12 electrical safety standard. Students will gain a full understanding of hazards encountered while operating or maintaining electrical installations in the low voltage (below 750 volts) class including a full understanding of the arc hazard categorization, appropriate personal protective equipment selection, and safe work procedures. This one-day workshop is designed to assist organizations to identify shock and arc flash hazards and prevent injuries and incidents associated with those hazards.

Course Duration: 8 classroom learning hours

Course Fee: $239

XELC 0050 - Introduction to Electrical Quality Management Systems

This two-day training is designed to provide participants with a practical understanding of the general principles and framework of electrical quality management systems, the purpose and requirements of codes and standards, and their application for the delivery of a quality product or service. This course is Gold Seal Accredited.

Course Duration: 15 classroom learning hours

Course Fee: $349