
On campus
The Kamloops and Williams Lake areas have an abundance of wildlife. The Kamloops campus is home to a large herd of mule deer which are often found browsing on vegetation found around campus however they particularly like the area between Old Main and the Clock Tower. Deer are also frequent visitors to the Williams Lake campus.
There are also a number of smaller creatures on site such as squirrels, chipmunks, marmots and a variety of birds. Very rarely, we have visits from black bears and badgers.
While these animals are very beautiful, we need to remember they are wild and as such we all need to ensure we follow rules for both their safety and ours. Never approach or feed wildlife —observe and photograph quietly, from a distance.
If you see a bear on campus, call security immediately — using the TRU SAFE app, any emergency phone or by calling 250-828-5033.
Off campus
If you are out enjoying the many hiking trails in the area, you may encounter wildlife species including deer, black bear, coyote, fox, cougar, bighorn sheep, marmot, and in warm southern exposures, rattle snakes and gopher snakes. For more information on these species and how to stay safe around them, visit Wild Safe BC.