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Pre-Naturopathic Medicine

Chairperson (Biological Sciences):


The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine is located in the North York region of Toronto Ontario and offers a four-year, full-time professional program in naturopathic medicine. Graduates receive a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (ND) diploma. Applicants must have completed a minimum of three years (90 credits) toward a baccalaureate degree. A cumulative grade point average of 75% is recommended to be competitive. Candidates are evaluated on their academic history a well as their motivation for becoming a naturopathic doctor, leadership skills, problem solving and critical-thinking skills, and specific personal qualities and characteristics.

Required Courses:

BIOL 111/121* or BIOL 111/125/125L

BIOL 313

CHEM 110/120 or 111/121**

CHEM 212**

PSYC 111/121

* The Biology requirement may be fulfilled by either a one-year general biology course or by one semester of cell biology and one semester of anatomy, botany, genetics, microbiology, physiology or zoology.

** A laboratory component is required.

Recommended Elective Credits:

Second Year

Third Year

Note: It is recommended that applicants complete courses in some or all of the following areas to prepare for the college curriculum: anatomy, environmental science, genetics, human physiology, microbiology, physics, sociology, statistics, humanities and English composition.

Students completing a Bachelor of Science degree at UCC in preparation for application to the College of Naturopathic Medicine will have the following course requirements.

Course Requirements

First Year

BIOL 111/121 or BIOL 111/125/125L

CHEM 110/120 or 111/121

ENGL 110 and one of ENGL 111 or 121

MATH 114/124 or 115/125

PHYS 110/120 or 115/125

Second Year

BIOL 213

CHEM 212

COMP 100 or 113

ENGL 229 or 230

Electives (12 credits – see recommended courses)

Third Year

BIOL 313

Electives (27 credits – see recommended courses)

Pre-Naturopathic Medicine students are advised to consult the college website at and/or the Chairperson for further information.

See Also

Academic Programs (University Transfer)

General Information

Certificate Programs

Associate Diplomas

Associate Degrees

Degree Transfer Programs

Bachelor of Commerce And Business Administration Transfer Programs

UCC Engineering Transfer Programs

Forestry Transfer Program

Physical Education






Pre-Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pre-Rehabilitation Sciences

Pre-Veterinary Medicine