UCC now offers a significant number of degree options, but some students cannot complete their degree program at UCC and will need to transfer to another university in their final years. A student intending to transfer to a university should review the university's requirements before registering for the appropriate courses at UCC. Advice and help in selecting a course of studies may be obtained from a Counsellor, or Academic Advisor.
Students wishing to transfer to a university should attempt to complete a minimum of thirty semester hours of credit each year. The B.C. universities require the equivalent of an additional sixty semester hours of credit to be completed during their third and fourth year to complete degree requirements for most degrees.
Many professional schools and faculties (such as Education and Law) at the universities will admit only students who have completed one or more years of a specified program in Arts or Science. Most of these prerequisite courses may be taken at UCC.
The transferability of courses taken at UCC is determined by the institution to which the student transfers. Students who plan to transfer from UCC to another institution should consult the Admissions Office of that institution. An institution to which an official transcript is sent may evaluate the courses and establish the standing of the student in accordance with its own policies and regulations. Course equivalencies at the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, the University of Lethbridge and the University of Victoria are listed in the B.C. Transfer Guide.
Use the calendars and other publications of the universities to become familiar with admission requirements for transfer students. There may be regulations concerning grade point average, course loads, transfer credit, etc. of concern to transfer students.
A student wishing to proceed to a Bachelors degree at another institution is usually expected to follow a specialty in a prescribed Major or Honours program.
Further information regarding Major and Honours program requirements is given in the university calendars and may be obtained from the college academic advisors. A representative selection of calendars is available in the resource centre located at the Counselling Office for use by students and the community. New students should arrange for an appointment with an academic advisor at the counselling office before selecting their program of study. If a student requires in-depth career planning, counsellors are available for interviews.