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Certificate Programs

The Admissions Department will arrange for evaluation, on request, of official transcripts for work completed elsewhere and will grant transfer credit towards specific programs.

Certain courses may be challenged for credit. The purpose of this challenge is to determine whether knowledge and experience gained outside the college is equivalent to that required for successful completion of a course.

Normally, the maximum transfer credit and challenge credit will be 50% of the credit value of the program.

Some courses in College certificate programs may require a prerequisite which is not a part of the certificate program itself.

College Certificates will be granted for the completion of the following programs of study shown below.

Cultural & Social Explorations Certificate

ANTH 121

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

GEOG 119/120

Introduction to Historical and Modern Cultural Geography

POLI 121

Contemporary Ideologies

SOCI 111/121

Introduction to Sociology 1 and 2

Plus any three of:

ANTH 214

Canadian Native Peoples

ANTH 215

Studies in Ethnography

GEOG 212

Geography in an Urban World

POLI 215

Comparative Politics

POLI 222

Political Philosophy

Painting and Drawing Certificate

FINA 112/122

Fundamentals of Design 1 and 2

FINA 113/123

Drawing 1 and 2

FINA 175/185

Painting 1 and 2

FINA 212/222

Painting 3 and 4

or FINA 213/223

Drawing 3 and 4

FINA 387

Studio Media: Painting and Drawing

Printmaking and Photography Certificate

FINA 112/122

Fundamentals of Design 1 and 2

or FINA 113/123

Drawing 1 and 2

FINA 174/184

Printmaking 1 and 2

FINA 176/186

Introduction to Photography 1 and 2

FINA 274/284

Printmaking 3 and 4

or FINA 276/286

Photography 3 and 4

or FINA 227/228

Etching and Relief 1 and 2

FINA 388

Studio Media: Printmaking

or FINA 390

Studio Media: Photography and Literature - A Canadian Perspective

Sculpture and Ceramics Certificate

FINA 112/122

Fundamentals of Design 1 and 2

or FINA 113/123

Drawing 1 and 2

FINA 172/182

Introductory Ceramics 1 and 2

FINA 271/281

Sculpture 1 and 2

FINA 272/282

Ceramics 3 and 4

FINA 389

Studio Media: Sculpture

Environmental Studies Certificate

BIOL 111/121

First-year Biology

FRST 112/122


GEOG 210

Human Interaction with the Natural Environment

GEOG 112

Earth's Lands and Waters

GEOG 122

Climatology and Biogeography

Plus any three of

CHEM 110/120

First-year Chemistry

or CHEM 111/121


GEOL 111

Physical Geology

GEOL 205

Geological Time

Literary And Art History Certificate

ENGL 110/111/121

(any two) First Year English

ENGL 211/221

Survey of English Literature

FINA 111/121

History of Art 1 and 2

FINA 211/221

History of Art 3 and 4



FINA 202/204

A Survey of Modern Art 1 and 2

Modern Languages Certificate

FREN 110/120

First-year College French

FREN 111/121

Modern French Language & Literature

FREN 211/221

Advanced College French

Plus any two other approved modern language courses at the 100 level.

Aboriginal Studies Certificate

The certificate in Aboriginal Studies requires the completion of at least 24 credits in courses designated as "aboriginal content" courses (some courses may have additional pre-requisites).

ANTH 119

Introduction to Archaeology

ANTH 121

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

ANTH 214*

Canadian Native Peoples

ANTH 219

Ancient North Americans

ANTH 223

Native Peoples and Cultures of British Columbia

ENGL 241

Native Canadian Literature

GEOG 223

The Regional Geography of British Columbia and Yukon

HIST 202

History of the Native Peoples of Canada

POLI 111

The Government and Politics of Canada

SOCI 201

Race and Ethnic Relations

TMGT 102

Cultural Heritage and Nature Interpretation

* highly recommended as an introduction to Aboriginal Studies

Note: The following courses would not normally be accessible to students in a certificate program due to the individual course pre-requisites and the requirement of admittance to the Bachelors degree programs for upper level courses. In special circumstances, however, it may be possible for non-traditional students to be admitted to these courses, which may count towards the credits for the certificate.

ANTH 306

Summer Field Training in Archaeology

ANTH 327

First Nations Natural Resource Management

ANTH 401

Native Peoples of North America

ANTH 404

Peoples and Cultures of the North American Arctic

ANTH 405

Canadian Status/Treaty Indian Reserve Communities

ANTH 411

Prehistory of a Special Area in the New World

ANTH 420

Archaeology of British Columbia

EDUC 442

Pedagogy of First Nations Education

ENGL 446

Studies in Commonwealth/Postcolonial Literature

ENGL 447

Studies in Aboriginal Literature (North American)

POLI 406

Topics in Latin American Politics

SOCW 354

An Introduction to First Nations Issues and Human Services

THTR 325

History of Canadian Theatre

See Also

Academic Programs (University Transfer)

General Information

Associate Diplomas

Associate Degrees

Degree Transfer Programs

Bachelor of Commerce And Business Administration Transfer Programs

UCC Engineering Transfer Programs

Forestry Transfer Program

Physical Education





Pre-Naturopathic Medicine


Pre-Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pre-Rehabilitation Sciences

Pre-Veterinary Medicine