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Promotion Policy

An overall grade of C and a minimum mark of 50% on the final exam is required for a passing grade in each Respiratory course, PHYS 157/167, BIOL 159/169 and CHEM 157. Since the 50% required on a final exams is already 10% below the overall mark required for a passing grade, there will be no leniency granted in cases where less than 50% is obtained on a final exam. Since the pass requirement for all science and RESP courses in the Respiratory Therapy Program is a minimum C, a grade of less than C is a failure in those courses. A student must successfully complete all courses in order to continue on to the next semester.

Students may be allowed to continue on a probationary basis if the student is granted academic probation. A student will be allowed to continue on in the program under academic probation when he/she attains a grade of C- in any one RESP or science course during a semester as long as a passing grade is achieved in all other courses in that semester. If a student fails to meet the pass mark in two or more courses during one semester they will fail, and be withdrawn from the program. Academic probation will not be granted two semesters in a row. If a student fails a course while on academic probation, they will not be granted probation and will be removed from the program.

Graduation from the three-year program requires that the student acquire an overall grade point average of 2.5. The graduate will receive a diploma in Respiratory Therapy. The diploma does not qualify the student to undertake employment as a registered respiratory therapist, but designates the student as a graduate therapist who is eligible to write the board examination.

Applicants should be aware that the Respiratory Therapy Program is academically rigorous with a heavier than average course load in all semesters. In order to be successful in the program, students must be willing to dedicate a significant amount of time to their studies.

See Also

Respiratory Therapy Diploma


Program Coordinator


Clinical Site Coordinators

Medical Advisors


Program Description

Admission Requirements

Minimum Criteria for Admission

Application Procedure

Completion Requirement

Advanced Placement


Failures and Repeats

Course Requirements

Clinical Practicum - 3rd Year