Failing or withdrawing students should recognize that there is no guarantee of the opportunity to repeat courses. The ability to cater to requests to repeat courses will depend upon the number of spaces available after first time full-time students have been accommodated. Students must achieve a C or better in BIOL 159/169, CHEM 157, PHYS 157/167 and all RESP courses in order to pass these courses.
A student who fails a course(s) will be required to repeat the course(s) within one calendar year. A failed course can only be repeated in the semester in which it is offered in the following year. The laboratory component of the failed course must also be repeated, lab marks will be integrated within the course. Student must re-register for the course and pay the appropriate fees for any repeated courses.
A student who has previously failed a health-related program and who subsequently applies for admission to the same program or to another health-related program will be regarded as a repeating student, unless he/she can show cause for being treated as a new student.
In cases of program re-entry, the relevant department may require potential repeating students to challenge certain portions of courses in which they previously received credit, in order that the currency of practical skills can be assessed. All potential repeating students are reminded that they are subject to program completion-time requirements.
A student who receives a failing grade in a course or fails to meet objectives related to professional responsibility, professional accountability or patient safety may be refused re-admission to the program, (or another health-related program) at the recommendation of the Program Coordinator and the approval of the Divisional Dean.
All potential repeating students are reminded that they are subject to program completion time requirements.