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Clinical Practicum - 3rd Year

The clinical year is designed to allow the student to gain practical experience in all aspects of Respiratory Therapy. Upon completion of Level 1, June - December, the student will be expected to meet certain predetermined objectives in all rotations. Level 2, December - April, will be a further mastery of these same objectives.

The year can be divided into three main areas of practice:

  1. Diagnostics, which will include blood gas analysis, pulmonary function, electrocardiography, stress testing, bronchoscopy.
  2. Therapy, which will include medical surgical rotation, paediatrics and nursery, and Respiratory Therapy Department.
  3. Critical Care, which will include adult and neonatal intensive care, operating room and anaesthesia, and coronary care.

Students must pass the theory course with an overall grade of 60% or better and a minimum mark of 50% on the final exam. Since the 50% required on a final exam is already 10% below the overall mark required for a passing grade, there will be no leniency granted in cases where less than 50% is obtained on a final exam. Students may be allowed to continue on a probationary basis if the student is granted academic probation.

The student will work the equivalent of 150 hours each month, and may be assigned shift work. Clinical training involves rotation between the accredited hospitals, and these rotations may be either:

In This Section

Course Descriptions

See Also

Respiratory Therapy Diploma


Program Coordinator


Clinical Site Coordinators

Medical Advisors


Program Description

Admission Requirements

Minimum Criteria for Admission

Application Procedure

Promotion Policy

Completion Requirement

Advanced Placement


Failures and Repeats

Course Requirements