The Colleges and Institutes Act requires all Colleges and Institutes (except the Justice Institute) to have an Education Council made up of faculty, students, educational administrators and support staff. The Education Council serves several roles at the University College. First, it determines matters of academic standing, including but not limited to examinations, academic standards, and student appeals. Second, jointly with the college board, Education Council sets policies and criterion on educational matters including but not limited to curriculum (courses and programs). Finally it provides advice to the Board of Governors on the development of educational policy.
In order to do the extensive day to day work these matters entail, Education Council has a number of Standing Committees including Academic Policy and Regulations Committee (APRC), Appeals Committee, Awards Committee, Education Planning and Program Review Committee (EPPR), Library Advisory Committee, Research Ethics – Human Subjects, Research Ethics – Animal Subjects and the Scholarly Activity Committee (SAC). As well, ad hoc committees are often formed to deal with one time issues.
Please note that Education Council meets regularly from 3:00 – 5:00 on the fourth Wednesday of every month. APRC meets from 3:00 – 5:00 on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays and EPPR meets from 2:00 – 4:00 on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays. These meetings are generally open to the college community, so please feel free to attend. The location of the meetings may vary, so please telephone the Education Council Secretary in the Office of the Vice President, Academic at (250) 828-5019.