ABBOTT, KAREN, R.N., B.Sc.N. (Lakehead), M.A. (Brit. Col.), Assistant Professor, Nursing
ABDULLAH, MOHD, B.Sc. (Strathclyde), A.I.T. Dipl. (I.T.I. Ottawa), M. I.T.E. (Dalhousie), M.C.P., M.C.S.D., M.C.D.B.A., M.C.S.E., M.C.T., M.C.A.D., C.C.N.P.., (Microsoft), CIST
ACREMAN, DENNIS, B.A. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Memorial), Ph.D. (New South Wales), Chairperson, Mathematics & Statistics
ALLEN, MARK, Cert. "A" Weld. (B.C.), I.P. Welding (B.C.), Level I Weld. Inspector, Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), Welding
ANDERSON, LUCILLE, B.Sc. (Mt. Allison), I.D. (B.C.), College & Career Preparation
ANDROKOVICH, ROBERT, B.Sc. (Leth.), M.A., Ph.D. (West. Ont.), Assistant Professor, Economics
ARCHIBALD, PATRICIA, B.A., M.S.W. (Dalhousie), Dipl. Ed. (Brit. Col.), Assistant Professor & Chairperson, Social Work
ARMOUR, CELIA, B.A. (Hons.) (Reading), T.E.S.L. Cert. (V.C.C.), E.S.L & French
ATKINS, TERRYL, B.F.A., M.F.A., (UVic.), Visual Arts
AYLWIN, DIAN, A.A. (U.C.C.), B.A. (Brit. Col.), I.D. (V.C.C.), College Prep.
B.A.H.T. (Olds), Coordinator, Horticulture
BABCOCK, LLOYD, C.I.P. H.D. Mech. T.Q. (B.C.), C.I.P. Comm. Trans. (B.C.), Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), Commercial Transport Mechanics Apprenticeship
BABINCHUK, WAYNE, B.Sc. (Sask.), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Computing Science
BADE, SHERRIE, R.N., B.Sc.N. (U.Vic.), M.N. (Deakin), Nursing
BAKER, ANNE, B.A. (Hons.) (Waterloo), M.A. (Brit. Col.), English
BALESHTA, DOUG, B.Sc. (U.Vic.), Assistant Professor, Coordinator, Web Based Applications
BANGMA, HANK, I.P. Carp. (B.C.), Voc. I.D., Carpentry
BARLEY, JANE, B.A. (Leth.), I.D. (Brit. Col.), College Prep./Counselling
BARLOW, ROBERT, B.Sc., Dipl. Ed. (U.Vic.), CIST
BARON, EDWARD, Dipl. Chemical Research Tech. (N.A.I.T.), Lab Faculty, Chemistry
BARRIE, KEVIN, B.Sc. (Queen's), College Prep.
BARRINGER, PAT, I.P. Plumb. (B.C.), Gas "B" (B.C.), Plumbing
BASS, ALAN, B.A., (Toronto), M.A., (York), Assistant Professor, Journalism
BASSON, PETER, I.P. Elect. (B.C.), I.D. (Brit. Col.), City & Guilds of London Eng., Class "C" Elect. (B.C.), Electrical
BAUGH, BRUCE, B.A., (Hons.), M.A. (Brit. Col.), Ph.D. (Toronto), Associate Professor, Philosophy
BEARMAN, BARBARA, B.A., M.A. (Brit. Col.), English (Wm. Lk.)
BEESLEY, SCOTT, B.Sc., M.A. (Brit. Col.), Economics
BELL, SUSAN, B.A., B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), English
BELLAMY, LORNE, B.A. (Concordia), M.A. (Waterloo), English
BELSHAW, JOHN, B.A. (Hons.) (Brit. Col.), M.A. (S.F.U.), Ph.D. (London), Associate Professor, History
BENNETT, LLOYD, B.A. (Sask.), B.Ed. (Regina), M.A. (Minnesota), M.A. (Chicago), Art History,Visual Arts
BENOIT, STEVE, I.P. Elect. (B.C.), I.D. (Brit. Col.), Electrical
BEPPLE, NANCY, B.Sc. (U.Vic.), I.D. (V.C.C.), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Cert. Ed. (U.Vic.), Coordinator, Cooperative & Career Education.
BERMILLER, JASON, B.A. (Brit. Col.), M.A. (Waterloo), English
Bhuyan, Rafiqul, B. Comm. (Hons.) (Daka), M.Sc. (Illinois), Ph.D. (Concordia), Assistant Professor, Finance (on leave)
BICKLEY, DOUGLAS G., B.Sc. (Sir George Williams), M.Sc. (Concordia), Ph.D. (McMaster), Assistant Professor, Chemistry, Chairperson, Physical Sciences
BIRDSALL, HELEN, B.A., Cert. Ed. (Brit. Col.), College Prep.
BIRKBECK, JANE, B.A., B.S.W. (Regina), M.S.W. (Toronto), Assistant Professor, Social Work
BISSONNETTE, DAN, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Ottawa), Lab Faculty, Physics
BOUCHER, DEVON, B.A. (St. Lawrence), M.A.T. (S.I.T.), E.S.L.
BOURASSA, EMMA, B.Ed. (U.Vic.), E.S.L.
BOURGET, JEAN-SERGES, D.E.C., Dipl. Tech. (Quebec), T.Q. (Comp. Tech.), Electronics & Engineering
BOUTHILLIER, BRIAN, B.A. (U.Vic.), T.E.S.L. Cert. (V.C.C.), E.S.L.
BRADSHAW, JACK, B.Sc. (U.Vic.), M.Sc. (West. Wash.), Ph.D. (Wash. State), Mathematics & Statistics
BRANDOLI, ALAN, B.F.A. (Notre Dame), M.F.A. (Regina), Visual Arts
BRATTON, JOHN, B.Sc. (Hons.) (Hull), M.A. (Leeds), Ph.D. (Manchester), C.H.R.P., Associate Professor, HRM/Sociology
BRAY, JIM, B.A., Cert. Ed. (Sask.), M.T.S. (Alta.), College Prep.
BREITKREITZ, DUANE, B.Ed., (Brit. Col.), M.B.A. (City), Accounting & MIS
BRENDLE-MOCZUK, DANIEL, B.A., M.L.I.S. (Brit.Col.), Instruction Librarian
BREWER, SHARON, B.Sc., M.Sc. (U.N.B.), Ph.D. (Carleton), Assistant Professor, Chemistry
BREWSTER, RICHARD, Assoc. Dipl. of Sc. (Cariboo), B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (U.Vic.), Ph.D. (S.F.U.), Associate Professor, Mathematics & Statistics
BRIM, CONNIE, B.A. (Hons.), M.A., Ph. D. (McMaster), Assistant Professor, English
BRIMACOMBE, MARGARET, B.Ed. Dipl., M.Ed. Grad. Dipl., (Alta.), Education
BROAD, PEGGY-JO, B.Sc.F. (Brit. Col.), Lab Faculty, Natural Resource Sciences
BROUWER, ROELOF, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), M.Math, M.Phil. (Waterloo), M.B.A. (Alta.), Ph.D. (Warwick), P.Eng., Associate Professor, Computing Science
BROWER, TONY, B.Comm., M.B.A. (Alta.), Marketing, Management, & International Bussiness
BROWN, JASON, B.A. (S.F.U.), T.E.S.L. Dipl. (Tokyo), M.A. (Hons.) (Birmingham), E.S.L.
BROWN, WILLIAM, B.A. (Hons.) (U.Vic.), Assc.I.C.B., M.B.A. (City), Management & Finance
BUGLEY, CHRIS, B.A. (Mt. Allison), M.A. (Dalhousie), Sociology (Wm. Lk.)
CADRE, CARA, B.A. (Alta.), Japanese Language Proficiency [Level 2] (Japan Foundation – Tokyo), Japanese
CALDER, KIM, B.Ed., E.C.E. Dipl., (Calg.), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Brit.Col.), Assistant Professor, Education
CAMPBELL, BRUCE, I.P. Elect. (B.C.), Class "BX", Electrical
CARLSON, CATHERINE, B.A. (Hons.) (S.F.U.), M.Sc. (Maine), Ph.D. (Mass.-Amherst), Associate
CARSON, NANCY, B.A., M.A., (West. Ont.), Economics
CEDERLOF, CHRISTINA, B.B.A. (S.F.U.), I.D. (Brit. Col.), M.A. (Royal Roads), Instructor, Education & Skills Training Certificate Programs
CHAN, JANINE, B.Sc., B.A. (Wash.), R.R.T. (U.C.C.), I.D. (V.C.C.), C.A.E. (C.N.A.C.), Respiratory Therapy
CHARBONNEAU, DAVID, B.Ed. (Alta.), Dipl. Radio & Electronics, T.Q. (Telecom), Coordinator, Cooperative Education
CHAUVETTE, AMELIA, R.N., B.Sc.N. (Ottawa), M.S.N. (Montreal), Nursing (Wm. Lk)
CHEEPTHAM, NAOWARAT, B.Sc. (Hons.) (Chiang Mai), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Sapporo), Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
CHERNOFF, JACK, B.S.A. (Sask.), I.D. (Brit. Col.), College Prep.
CINEL, BRUNO, B.Sc. (S.F.U.), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.), Assistant Professor, Chemistry
CLARK, ROBERT, Dipl. Broad. Comm. (B.C.I.T.), Coordinator, Media Services
CLEVELAND, JOHN, B.A. (Dalhousie), M.A. (S.F.U.), Ph.D. (York), Sociology
CLINE, TERESA, I.P. Elect. (B.C.), B.A. (Brit.Col.), Dipl. Business (U.C.C.), Electrical
CLOUTIER, ROSS, B.A. (Alta.), B.P.E., (Calg.), M.B.A. (U.S.C.), Assistant Professor & Co-Chairperson, Adventure Programs
COCHRAN, JASON, Trade Cert. (B.C.), I.D. (V.C.C.), Retail Meat Processing
COLE, CHRISTIE, B.A. (Hons.), M.A., Cert. Ed. (Brit. Col.), E.S.L.
COLLETT, JEFF, T.Q. Joinery (B.C.), Voc. I.D. (B.C.), I.P. Joinery (B.C.), Computerized Manufacturing Technology
COLLINGRIDGE, JIM, B.Ed. (Calg.), M.A. (Gonzaga), Counselling
COLLINS, ROGER, B.A. (Hons.) (C.N.A.A.), M.Sc. (L.S.E.), F.C.M.A. (U.K.), F.C.C.A. (U.K.), Associate Professor, Accounting & Management
COLLINS, VALERIE E., B.Sc. (Hons.) (Queen's), M.Sc. (York), Ph.D. (Utah), Assistant Professor and Chairperson, Biological Sciences
COOK, DEREK, B.A., M.A. (Alta.), Political Studies
COOK, KERRY, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Applied Business Technology (Wm. Lk.)
COYNE, MICHAEL, B.A. (Windsor), M.L.I.S. (West. Ont.), Systems Librarian
CRAWFORD, ILA, B.F.A. (Alta.), Visual Arts
CRAWFORD, MICHAEL, B.S.W. (Man.), M.S.W. (Calg.), Assistant Professor, Social Work
CROFOOT, BRUCE, B. Math, M. Phil. (Waterloo), Ph.D. (Cal.-Berkeley), Mathematics & Statistics
CUMMER, RICHARD, B.T.A.C.S. (U.C.C.), B.Sc.Eng. (Lakehead), Computing Science
CUNNINGHAM, FRED, B.Sc., Cert. Ed. (Brit. Col.), M.Ed. (S.F.U.), Chairperson, College Prep.
CUTLER, PAT, Dipl. A.H.T. (U.C.C.), Animal Health Technology
DAINES, DONNA, R.N., B.Sc.N. (U.Vic.), M.Ed. (S.F.U.), Nursing
DALY, BRYAN, R.R.T. (Algonquin), I.D. (Brit. Col.), M.A. (Gonzaga), Respiratory Therapy, Chairperson, Allied Health Programs
DAYKIN, SUSAN, B.A. (U.C.C.), College Prep.
DEBECK, FAE, B.Sc. (Hons.) (S.F.U.), M.S. (West. Wash.), Mathematics & Statistics
DENSKY, KAREN, B.A. (S.F.U.), T.E.S.L. Cert. (V.C.C.), M.A. (S.F.U.), E.S.L.
DESBRISAY, DON, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), M.S. (West. Wash.), Mathematics & Statistics
DESJARDINS, IVAN, B.B.A. (Bishop's), Dipl. Pub. Acc. (McGill), M.Tax. (Sherbrooke), C.A., Accounting & Finance
DEUTSCHMANN, LINDA, B.A. (Hons.), M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto), Associate Professor, Sociology
DEWAN, HASNAT, B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Jahangirnagar), M.A. (Yale), M.S., Ph.D. (Texas), Economics
DHANJAL, SURINDER, B.Sc.Eng. (Panjab), M.A.Sc. (Windsor), M.Sc. (McMaster), P.Eng., Assistant Professor, Computing Science
DICKINSON, THOMAS E., B.Sc. (Hons.) (Queen's), M.Sc. (Calg.), Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
DiFRANCESCO, DAVID, Dipl. Computer Graphics, Dipl. Graphic Design, Dipl. Creative Art (Sheridan), DAAD
DIXON, STEVEN, B.F.A. (Mt. Allison), B.Ed. (Queen's), M.F.A. (Arizona), Visual Arts
DOAN, LAURA, B.A. (U.Vic.), E.C.E. Cert., (U.Vic.), M. Ed. (U.Vic.), Early Childhood Education
DOHERTY, MEL, C.I.P. H.D. Mech. (B.C.), C.I.P. Comm. Trans. (B.C.), Heavy Duty/Commercial Transport Mechanics ELTT
DOI, KATHLEEN, A., R.N. (St. Paul's), B.H.Sc. (Brit. Col.), M.Ad.Ed. (St.F.X.), Nursing
DOMINIK, ANNETTE, B.A. (Hons.) (Brit. Col.), M.A. (Laval), Ph.D. (Sherbrooke), Assistant Professor, French, Spanish, & Linguistics
DONKOR, KINGSLEY, B.Sc. (Hons.) (Ghana), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Alta.), Assistant Professor, Chemistry
DORVAL, TOM, R.R.T. (Algonquin), I.D. (V.C.C.), M.Ed. (S.F.U.), Respiratory Therapy
DUERDEN, JANET, B.A. (Hons.) (U.Vic.), M.A. (Essex), English
DUERDEN, SUSAN, B.A., Cert. Ed. (Brit. Col.), E.S.L.
DUMESNIL, JOHN, Dipl. Const. Tech. (Algonquin), C.Tech., EDDT
DUMOUCHEL, LIAN, B.Comm. (Concordia), M.B.A. (McGill), Tourism Management (on leave 2003-2004)
ECCLESTON, WESLEY, B.A. (U.C.C.), M.A. (Alta.), Theatre Arts
EDWARDS, DAVID, B.A., M.A. (Akron), Cert. Ed. (U.Vic.), Ph.D. (Theatre Arts) (Kent State), Coordinator, Theatre Arts
ELLIS, DOUG, Dipl. Hotel Admin. (S.A.I.T.), I.D. (V.C.C.), Dipl. Ad. Ed. (V.C.C.), B. Ed. (Alta.) Co-op Coordinator, Resort & Hotel Management
EMERY, LEE, B.Sc. (Illinois), Cert. Ed. (S.F.U.), College Prep.
EVANS, MARK, I.P. Elect. (B.C.), Class "B", Electrical
EVENRUDE, KIRK, B.Ed., B.A. (Alta.), M.Sc. (Calg.), M.S. (West. Wash.), Mathematics & Statistics
FARDY, CAROLYNNE, R.T. (Man.), I.D. (V.C.C.), Lab Faculty, Biological Sciences
FAROUGH, DAWN, B.A. (Winnipeg), M.A. (Man.), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.), Assistant Professor, Sociology
FARRELL, SUZANNE, R.N., B.S.N (U.C.C.), Nursing
FEHR, FLORRIANN, R.N., (U.C.C.), B.Sc.N. (U.Vic.), M.N. (Calg.), Nursing
FELTON, KATHY, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), E.S.L.
FERGUSON, DONALD, B.Sc. (Calg.), Lab Faculty, Biological Sciences
FISCHER, JOSEY, B.A. (S.F.U.), D.E.L.E. (Basico), P.I.D.P., Spanish
FITZPATRICK, MARVYN, B.A., Cert. Ed., Dipl. Ad. Ed. (Brit. Col.), College Prep.
FLOOD, NANCY, B.Sc. (Hons.) (Queen's), M.Sc. (Toronto), Biological Sciences
FORBES, ALEXANDER M., B.A. (Hons.), M.A. (Brit. Col.), Ph.D. (Toronto), Assistant Professor, English
FORD, LAURA, R.N., B.Sc.N. (U.Vic.), Nursing
FORSHAW, CAROLYN, B. Ed., Cert. Ed., M.A. (Hull), English
FORTIER, NORMAND, B.Sc. (Engineering) (Ecole Polytechnique), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Brit. Col.), Assistant Professor, Physics
FOUCAULT, COLLEEN, Bus. Dipl. (McGill), Lab Faculty, DAAD
FRASER, ENA, Cert. Soc. Admin., Dipl. Applied Soc. Studies (L.S.E.), Dipl. Ad. Ed. (Brit. Col.), Human Service Programs
FREED-GARROD, JOI, B.A. (W. U. - St. Louis), M.A. (S.F.U.), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.), Assistant Professor, Education
FREEZE, DAVE, Dipl. Outdoor Recreation (Cap.), W.K.A.B.C., B.C.R.C.A., A.C.S.K.G., S.K.G.A.B.C., Adventure Programs
FRIEDMAN, THOMAS, B.A., M.A. (Brit. Col.), Ph.D. (Toronto), Assistant Professor, English
FUDGE, JOHN, B.A. (Guelph), M.A. (McGill), Ph.D. (Edinburgh), Associate Professor, History
GAGNON, ANNE, B.Ed. (Calg.), M.Ed. (Alta.), M.A., Ph.D. (Ottawa), Assistant Professor, History
GARDNER, WENDY, B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Natural Resource Sciences
GARRETT-PETTS, WILL, B.A. (U.Vic.), M.A. (Brit. Col.), Ph.D. (Alta.), Associate Professor, English
GAYNOR, KATHY, B.Ed. (Sask.), M.L.I.S. (Quebec), Information Services Librarian
GEORGE, SHURLAND, B.Sc., Dipl. Hotel Mngt. (West Indies), M.Sc. Tour. Studies (Surrey, U.K.), Tourism Mangement
GIFTAKIS, YANNI, C.S.O.M. Dipl. (U.C.C.), B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), CIST/Computing Science
GILL, DEBBIE, B.Sc. (Hons.) (Brit. Col.), B.Ed., M.Sc. (Dalhousie), Lab Faculty, Biological Sciences
GIUDICI, BEN C., B.A.Sc. (Hons.), M.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), P. Eng., Electronics & Engineering
GLEDDIE, NEVIN, B.A. (Trinity Western), M.Sc. (Alta.), NCCP Level 4 (Basketball), Physical Education
GODDARD, JAY, B.A. (Brit. Col.), M.Ed. (U.N.B.C.), Human Service Programs (Wm. Lk.)
GOEHRING, BRIAN, B.A., B.Ed., (Sask.), M.A., Ph.D. (Brit. Col.), Geography
GORMAN, MICHAEL, B.A. (Georgetown), M.A. (Wyoming), Ph.D. (Cal.-San Diego), Assistant Professor, History, and Chairperson, Philosophy, History, and Politics
GOSSELIN, LOUIS, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Laval), Ph.D. (Alta.), Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
GRAHAM, DONALD, Dipl. Television Radio Com. (DeVry Tech.), I.D. (Brit. Col.), T.Q. (Radio, TV, Electronics, B.C., Electronics & Engineering
GREEN, ALAN R., Dipl. Tech. Radio & Electronics (S.A.I.T.), I. D. (Brit. Col.), T.Q. (Telecom) (Alta.), M.Ed. (Gonzaga), Electronics & Engineering
GREENWOOD, JANE, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Cert. Ed. (S.F.U.), College Prep.
GUPTA, DIPANKAR, B.S. (Calcutta), M.Stat. (Indian Statistical Institute), Ph.D. (Arizona State), M.S. (Texas Tech.), College & Career Preparation/Mathematics & Statistics (Wm. Lk.)
HAAG, THOMAS, I.P. Carp. (B.C.), Carpentry
HAGGARTY, PENNY, B.A., M.L.S. (Brit. Col.), Collections Librarian
HALLONQUIST, JOHN D., B.A. (Brit. Col.), M.A. (S.F.U.), Ph.D. (Toronto), Associate Professor, Psychology
HALL-PATCH, CATHY, Dipl. A.H.T. (Fairview, Alta.), Animal Health Technology
HAMMER, TRENT, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Lab Faculty, Chemistry
HARBER, MARY, B.S.W. (U.Vic.), M.S.W. (Toronto), Child and Youth Care Diploma
HARGRAVE, LAURA, B.F.A. (U.Vic.), Visual Arts
HASAN, SHARIAR, B.Sc. (Hons) (Daka), M.A. (Clemson), Ph.D. (Clemson), Assistant Professor, Finance & International Business
HEASLIP, PENNY, R.N., B.Sc.N. (Ottawa), M.Ed. (U.Vic.), Chairperson, Nursing
HEBDEN, CAROLE, B.Sc., M.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Cert. Ed. (S.F.U.), Coordinator, Cooperative Education
HEISE, BRIAN A., B.Sc. (Guelph), M.Sc. (Man.), Ph.D. (Toronto), Associate Professor, Natural Resource Sciences
HENDERSON, DIAN, B.Ed. (Alta.), T.E.A.L. Cert., E.S.L.
HENDERSON, LISA, B.A. (Hons.) (Sask.), M.A. (Concordia), Visual Arts
HESHKA, JON, B.Sc., B.A. (Man.), B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), M.Ed. (S.F.U.), Adventure Programs
HEWITT, GERRY, B.Ed., M.A. (Brit. Col.), Coordinator, E.S.L.
HIGGINS, ROBERT, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Man.), Biological Sciences (Wm. Lk.)
HIROWATARI, LYLE, I.P. Heavy Duty (B.C.), C.V.I.P. (B.C.), Heavy Duty Mechanics
HITCHCOCK, LINDA, B.A., M.A. (Cal.-Irvine), College & Career Preparation
HNEEDA, ALLAN, B.Ed. (U.Vic.), College Prep.
HOFFMAN, JAMES, B.A., M.Ed. (U.Vic.), Ph.D. (New York), Professor, Theatre Arts
HOFMANN, KAREN, B.A., M.A. (U.Vic.), English
HOLLINGSHEAD, WAYNE, B.Sc., M.Sc., D.V.M., Dipl. Small Animal Medicine/Surgery (Guelph), Assistant Professor and Coordinator, Animal Health Technology
HOLMES, SUE, R.N., B.Sc.N. (Brit. Col.), M.Ed. (S.F.U.), Practice Placement Coordinator, Nursing
HOLMES, VICKI, R.N., B.Sc.N. (Alta.), M.Sc.N. (West. Ont.), Assistant Professor, Nursing
HOOD, ROBERT, B.P.E. (Calg.), M.S., Ph.D. (Illinois), Assistant Professor, Tourism Management, and BTM Advisor
HOOT, TRACY, R.N. (U.C.C.), B.Sc.N. (U.Vic.), M.S.N. (Texas), Nursing
HOT, SONJA, B.Math., M.Math. (Belgrade), Mathematics & Statistics
HU, JIM, B.A., M.A. (Anhui), M.Ed. (West. Ont.), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.), E.S.L.
HUBER, DEBORAH, B.A. (Brit. Col.), M.Ed. (S.F.U.), R.S.A. (Cambridge), E.S.L.
HUNT, GARY A., B.A. (Fresno State), M.A. (Hayward State), Ph.D. (Oregon State), Assistant Professor, Natural Resource Sciences
HUTCHINGS, KARL, B.A. (S.F.U.), M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (S.F.U.), Anthropology
HUTT, LEN, Dipl. Bus. Admin. (Ryerson), B.A. (Hons.) (Queen's), M.Ed., Ed.D. (Toronto), HRM & Management
IGWE, BERNARD, B.A. (Hons.) (Makerere), M.A. (Brit. Col.), English
ILES, LAWRENCE A., B.A. (Carleton), B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Chairperson, Cooperative & Career Education
IRVING, KAREN, Dipl.N. (Cariboo College), R.N., B.Sc.N. (U.Vic.), M.Sc.N. (Gonzaga), Nursing (Wm. Lk.)
IVES, CAROLYN, B.A. (Hons), M.A. (Sask.), English
JAKES, KEN, Trade Cert. (N.Z.), T.Q. (Meatcutting) (B.C.), I.D. (V.C.C.), Retail Meat Processing
JAKUBEC, MELISSA, B.A. (U.Vic.), M.A. (Dalhousie), Dipl. R.S.A. (Cambridge), T.E.S.L. Cert. Level IV (Can.), E.S.L.
JAMES, CINDY, B.Ed., M.A. (U.Vic.), Assessment Centre Coordinator
JANKE, JOHN, B.A., M.A. (Alta.), Economics
JAP, WARVENI, B.A. (Wash.), M.B.A. (National Chengchi University), Marketing & International Business
JENKINS, BRUCE, Cert. "A" Weld. (B.C.), I.P. (B.C.), Welding (Wm. Lk.)
JESSEE, LYN, B.Sc. (Calg.), Lab Faculty, Biological Sciences
JOHANSEN, SHONA, R.N., N.P. (Alta.), B.Sc.N. (U.Vic.), M.Ed. (S.F.U.), Nursing (Wm. Lk.)
JOHNSON, DENNIS, I.P. Carp. (B.C.), I.P. Joinery (B.C.), Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), T.Q. Industrial Woodworking (Ont..), Computerized Manufacturing Technology
JOHNSON, DON. R., B.Sc. (Hons.), (Brit. Col.), CIST
JOHNSON, GEORGE, B.A. (Hons.) (West. Ont.), M.A., Ph.D. (McMaster), Associate Professor, English
JOHNSON, NINA, B.A. (U.C.C.), M.A. (McGill), English
JOHNSTONE, KIMBERLY, Trade Cert. (Can.), I.D. (U.C.C.), Culinary Arts
JOLY, STEPHEN, B.Sc. (U.C.C.), Lab Faculty, Biological Sciences
JONES, JOANNE, R.N., B.Sc.N. (Brit. Col.), M.Sc.N. (Texas), Nursing, Year 1 & 2 Coordinator
JONTZ, DOUG, Industrial I.P. Elect. (B.C.), I.D. (Brit. Col.), Electrical
JORDAN, JEFF, Trade Cert. (Can.), I.D., Culinary Arts
JOSEPHSON, NANCY, B.A., Dipl.Ed., B.Ed., M.Ed., M.Sc. (Man.), Education
JOYCE, KEVIN, I.P. Elect. (B.C.), I.D. (Brit. Col.), Electrical
KADING, TERRY, B.A. (Leth.), M.A. (Waterloo), Ph.D. (Alta.), Assistant Professor, Political Studies
KALYNKA, DARLENE, B.F.A. (Alta.), M.F.A. (Concordia), Associate Professor, Visual Arts
KAMPMAN, JACQUELINE, B.Sc., M.A. (Brit. Col.), Psychology
KARAKATSOULIS, JOHN, B.Sc., (Brit. Col.), Assistant Professor and Chairperson, Natural Resource Sciences
KAY, ROBINA, A.C.T. (St. Lawrence), R.L.A.T., Lab Faculty, Animal Health Technology
KELLY, CLAUDETTE, R.N., B.Sc.N. (Alta.), M.A. (Brit. Col.), Ph.D. (U.W.A., Aus.), Assistant Professor, Nursing
KEMP, BYRON, B.Sc. (Oregon), M.Ed. (West. Wash.), Counselling (Wm. Lk.)
KENNER, GERALDINE, R.N. (Cariboo College), B.Sc.N. (U.Vic.), M.S., M.H.A. (Wash.), Nursing
KEUSCH, DENNIS, Dipl. Electronic Publishing (Selkirk), Lab Faculty, Journalism
KHMELEVSKY, YOURY, M.Sc. (C.S.), Ph.D., (Kyiv Polytechnic Inst.), Computing Science
KILLICK, NANCY, B.A., Cert. Ed. (U.Vic.), T.E.S.L. Cert. (V.C.C.), E.S.L.
KIPNIS, WENDY, B.A. (Hons.), B.Ed. (Memorial), L.L.B. (Ottawa), T.E.S.L. Cert. (V.C.C.), E.S.L.
KIRKEY, BERNIE, B.A. (West. Ont.), M.B.A. (York), CIST
KIRKPATRICK, MAYNARD, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Diploma Coordinator, Tourism Management
KLEIN, KEN, B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Windsor), Geology
KNOWLES, DOUG, B.A. (U.C.C.), Couselling
KOLARIC, GISELLE, B.A. (Hons.) (Concordia), M.A. (U.Vic.), Psychology
KONG, YING, B.Sc. (Peking), M.A., Ph.D. (Carleton), Assistant Professor, Economics
KRAUZA, WENDY, B.Ed. (Brit.Col.), E.S.L.
KROEGER, ERNIE, B.F.A. (Man.), M.F.A. (Calg.), Visual Arts
KWIATKOWSKA, BOGUMILA, M.A. (Wroclaw), M.Sc. (Alta.), Computing Science
LAIRD, DARRELL, B.A. (Hons.) (Man.), E.S.D. (S.F.U.), M.A. (Waterloo), Ph.D. (McMaster), English
LAKE, TERRY, D.V.M. (Sask.), Animal Health Technology
LALIBERTE, SHARI, R.N., B.Sc.N. (U.Vic.), M.N. (Calg.), Nursing
LAMBERTON, ROSALIND, B.A., Dipl. Ed. (Brit. Col.), Education
LARSEN, KARL, B.Sc.(Double Major), M.Sc. (U.Vic.), Ph.D. (Alta.), Associate Professor, Natural Resource Sciences
LARSON, GRANT, B.A. (Oral Roberts), B.S.W., M.A. (S.W.) (Calg.), Ph.D. (Texas), Assistant Professor, Social Work
LATER, GENEVIEVE, B.A. (Penn. State), M.A., Ph.D. (Wash.), Assistant Professor, English
LATIF, EHSAN, B.Soc.Sc., M.Soc.Sc. (Dhaka), M.A. (Niigata), Economics
LAWRENCE, DONALD, B.F.A. (U.Vic.), M.F.A. (York), Associate Professor, Visual Arts
LAWTON, DEBORAH, B.A., M.B.A. (West. Ont.), C.S.P., Marketing & International Bussiness
LEARIE, SHARMAN, B.T.M. (U.C.C.), Adventure Programs
LEIER, EILEEN, B.A., P.D.P. (S.F.U.), B.F.A. (Hons.) (Emily Carr), M.F.A. (Concordia), Assistant Professor, Visual Arts/Journalism
LEMPHERS, MIKE, R.R.T. (U.C.C.), Respiratory Therapy
LETTINGA, MARTEN, B.Sc. (Trinity Western), M.Sc. (Waterloo), Chemistry (Wm. Lk.)
LIDSTER, DAVID, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), M.Ed. (U.Vic.), Chairperson, Counselling
LIN, QING, B.Sc. (Beijing Polytechnic), M.A., Ph.D. (SUNY-Buffalo), M.Sc. (U.Vic.), Computing Science
LITTLEY, ERIC R., B.Sc. (U.Vic.), M.P.M., Ph.D. (S.F.U.), Biological Sciences and B.Sc. Advisor
LOPEZ, MARGARITA, B.A. (Concordia), M.A. (McGill), Spanish
LUNDGREN, JODI, B.A. (Hons) (U.Vic.), M.A. (Queen's), M.A. (Concordia), Ph.D. (Wash.), English, Writer in Residence
LYALL, CHERYL, R.N., B.Sc.N. (Brit. Col), Nursing
MacDONALD, ANNE, R.N., B.S.N. (U.C.C.), Gerontology Nurs. Cert., Home Support Resident Care Attendant
MacDONALD-CARLSON, HELEN, B.Sc., M.A. (Michigan State), Dipl. Sp. Ed. (Brit. Col.), Chairperson, Early Childhood Education
MacINTOSH, MARIA, R.N. (Toronto), I.D. (Brit. Col.), Home Support Resident Care Attendant
MacKAY, MAIRI, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Ph.D. (Dalhousie), Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
MacLENNAN, DAVID, B.A. (Brit. Col.), M.A. (S.F.U.), Ph.D. (York), Assistant Professor, Sociology
MADDEN, MARY, B.Sc. (Indiana), M.Ed. (U.N.B.C.), College & Career Preparation
MAHARA, STAR, M., R.N., B.S.N., M.S.N. (Brit. Col.); Assistant Professor, Nursing
MAHNHOON, LEE, B.Sc. (Yonsei), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Oklahoma), Assistant Professor, Computing Science
MAHOOD, RORY, B.Sc. (St. Mary's), Chairperson, Human Service Programs
MANN, SCOTT B., B.Sc. (U.Vic.), D.V.M. (Sask.), Animal Health Technology
MASTERS, BARBARA, B.A. (Hons.), Dipl. Ed. (U.Vic.), College & Career Preparation
MATHEWS, BRENDA, I.S.P., B.A. (Hons.) (Guelph), M.B.A. (Heriot-Watt), CIST
MATHEWS, JACK, B.A. (Guelph), Chairperson, CIST
MATTHEWS, LEIGH, B.A., M.A., (U.Vic.), Ph.D. (Calg.), English
MATTHEWS, LES R., R.R.T. (Fanshawe), H.D.M. (C.H.A.), I.D. (Brit. Col.), M.A. (Gonzaga), Advanced R.R.T. (C.S.R.T.), Respiratory Therapy
McBLANE, NAN, B.A. (Alta.), M.A. (Calg.), Sociology
McDONALD, GERRY, B.A., B.Ed. (Memorial), M.S. (Northern Iowa), C.A.E.S.L.S. (Laval), E.S.L.
McGIVERN, RONALD, B.A., M.A. (S.F.U.), Sociology
McHARG, VALERIE, B.A., M.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Counselling
McIsaac, Keith, Dipl. C.A.S.T. (U.C.C.), C.I.P., T.Q. (Automotive Mechanics) (B.C.), I.D., (Brit. Col.), Electronics & Engineering
McKAY, GAIL, B.F.A. (Brit. Col.), M.A. (Concordia), Cert. Ed. (S.F.U.), LL.B. (Dalhousie), Management
McKAY, SUSAN, B.S.W. (Brit. Col.), M.P.A. (U.Vic.), Human Service Programs
McKIMMON, PEGGY, B.B.A. (S.F.U.), B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), C.A., Accounting & Management
McLAUGHLIN, JEFF, B.A., M.A. (Man.), Ph.D. (Alta.), Assistant Professor, Philosophy
McMILLAN, LEY, B.A. (Brit. Col.), College Prep.
McMILLAN, LINDA, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Cert. First Nations Studies (S.F.U.), College Prep.
McNAMEE, JOAN, Dipl. Nurs., B.A. (Brit. Col.), M.A. (U.Vic.), Human Service Programs
McNELLIS, MARYANNE, B.A. (Scripps College), M.S. (Columbia), Assistant Professor, Chairperson, Journalism
MEGER, ARTHUR W., Dipl. Tech. Design (B.C.I.T.), Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), C.I.P. (B.C.), H.D. Mech. (B.C.), M.Ed. (S.F.U.), H.D/Computerized Manufacturing Technology
MICHELL, RODERICK J.W., B.A., M.A. (Oxon.), English
MILLER, JACK, B.Ed., M.Ed. (U.Vic.), Cert. Ad. Ed. (U.Vic.), Assistant Professor, Education
MILLER, JIM, B.A., M.A. (U.C.L.A.), Geography
MILLER, MARY, B.A. (S.F.U.), Lab Faculty, Geography
MITCHELL, KATHY, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), M.Ed. (S.F.U.), College Prep.
MOBERG, KAREN, C.S.W. Cert. (U.C.C.), College & Career Preparation
MOCHIZUKI, MARY-ANN, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), M.Ed. (U.Vic.), Counselling
MOFFAT, DERRICK, Trade Cert. (Can.), I.D. (V.C.C.), Culinary Arts
MONTOYA, CHRISTOPHER, B.Sc. (Leth.), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Calg.), Psychology (Wm. Lk.)
MORA-DIEZ, NELAINE, B.Sc. (Havana), Ph.D. (Dalhousie), Assistant Professor, Chemistry
MOSHENKO, KIM, B.Sc., Cert. Ed. (Brandon), M.B.A. (Man.), College Prep.
MOSS, RANDY, R.R.T. (U.C.C.) Respiratory Therapy, International Project Coordinator
MOUNCEY, BRENDA, Cert. Hort. (U.C.C.), I.D. (V.C.C.), Work Experience Coordinator
MOYLS, PETER, B.P.E., M.P.E. (Brit. Col.), Ph.D. (Toronto), Chairperson, Physical Education
MUELLER, LINDA, R.R.T. (U.C.C.), I.D. (V.C.C.), M.Ed., (S.F.U.), Respiratory Therapy
MURPHY, P.J., B.A. (Hons.), M.A. (Brit. Col.), H. Dipl. (Dublin), Ph.D. (Reading), Professor, English,
MURRAY, JEANETTE, R.N., B.S.N. (Toronto), M.A. (Gonzaga), Nursing
NASH, RACHEL, B.A. (Hons.) (S.F.U.), M.A., Ph.D. (Waterloo), Assistant Professor, English/Rhetoric and Professional Writing, Coordinator, Academic English
NELSON, DONALD, B.Sc. (Hons.), Ph.D. (S.F.U.), Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
NELSON, ROSS, B.A. (Brit. Col.), M.A. (Waterloo), I.G.S. Dipl. (Stockholm), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.), Assistant Professor, Geography
NICHOLSON, MERVIN, B.A. (Hons.), M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto), Professor, English
NORDICK, Lanette, R.N., B.S.N. (U.C.C.), Home Support Resident Care Attendant
NOYES, HEATHER, R.R.T. (U.C.C.), I.D. (V.C.C.), B.H.S. (R.T.) (B.C.O.U.), Respiratory Therapy
O'NEIL, KEVIN, B.Sc., M.Sc. (N.B.U.), Chairperson, Computing Science
O'REGAN, BRIGITTA, M.A., Ph.D. (Brit. Col.), Assistant Professor, German
OKE, MARION, B.A. (Toronto), B.Ed. (Queen's), Coordinator, Cooperative Education
OLD, MARTY, A.Sc.T., Dipl. Air Cond. Eng. Tech. (S.A.I.T.), I.P., Plumb. (Man.), Cert. Gas "A" (B.C.), I.D. (Brit. Col.), Plumbing
OLDRIDGE, DENNIS, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc. (Civil) (Brit. Col.), P.Eng., EDDT
OPP, RONALD D., Dipl. Comm. Tech., T.Q. (Telecom), I.D. (Brit. Col.), Electronics & Engineering
O'REILLY, DAN, B.A. (Hons.) (West. Ont.), Cert. Ed., M.A. (Brit. Col.), Assistant Professor, Philosophy
PAIVINEN, HELENA, R.N. (C.N.C.), B.Sc.N. (U.Vic.), M.S.N. (Calg.), Nursing
PALMER, STEVEN J., Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), H.D. Mech. T.Q. (B.C.), Heavy Duty/Commercial Transport Mechanics ELTT
PAPPAS, EVANGELITSA, B.A. (New South Wales), Dipl. F.A. (U.C.C.), TESL Cert. (Sask.), E.S.L.
PARKS, JOHN G., B.Sc., Dipl. Ed. (West. Ont.), M.Sc. (Windsor), R.T., Clinical Chemistry
PATTEN, MARGARET, B.A.Sc. (Guelph), M.A. (Concordia), Early Childhood Education
PATTERSON, DAWN, R.N., B.Sc.N. (Alta.), M.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Nursing
PAWESKA, RYSZARD, M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D. (Wroclaw), Associate Professor, Computing Science
PAWLIUK, NICK, B.A. (U.Vic.), M.A. (Reading), English
PELLER, PETER, B.Sc., M.L.S. (Brit. Col.), Public Services Librarian
PERRY, MARK, Trade Cert. (Can.), I.D. (Leth.), Chairperson, Culinary Arts
PETERS, LOIS D., B.A. (Waterloo), Cert. Ed. (S.F.U.), M.Ed. (U.Vic.), Instructor, Education & Skills Training Certificate Programs
PETERSEN, CHRISTINE, B.Sc., Cert. Ed. (Brit. Col.), R.T. (U.C.C.), Lab Faculty, Biological Sciences
PETERSON, MARILYN, Dipl. Psych. Nurs. (Sask.), Work Experience Coordinator, Education and Skills Training Certificate Programs
PETRI, DONNA, R.N., B.Sc.N. (Kansas), M.N.S. (Deakin), Year 1 & 2 Coordinator, Nursing
PHILLIPS, ERNEST A., Dipl. Hort. (Guelph), I.D. (Brit. Col.), Horticulture
PIWOWAR, CINDY, B.Ed. (Alta.), E.C.E. Dipl., (Alta.), Early Childhood Education
POESCHEK, PETER, I.P. Elect. (B.C.), Dipl. Comp. Maint., I.D. (Brit. Col.), Chairperson, Construction Trades
PRESCOTT, WALTER D., Dipl. Bldg. Tech., Services Option (B.C.I.T.), A.Sc.T., EDDT
Professor, Anthropology & Archaeology
PURDY, SUSAN, B.Sc., (Durban), M.N.R.M. (Man.), Lab Faculty, Biological Sciences
PURVEY, DIANE, B.A. (Brit. Col.), M.A. (U.Vic.), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.), Assistant Professor and Chairperson, Education
RACHUE, ALLAN, B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W. (Calg.), Ph.D. (Alta.), Social Work
RAHMAN, HAFIZUR, B.A. (Hons.), M.A. (Jahangirnagar), M.A., Ph.D. (Man.), Economics
RAJORA, ONKAR S., B.Sc. (Agra), M.Sc. (Meerut), Ph.D. (Dalhousie), Physics
RANSON, DAVID, B.A., B.Ed., (Regina), Cert. Ed. (Sask.), Cert. Ed. (Brit. Col.), Coordinator, Technical/Professional English, Chairperson, English and Modern Languages
RATSOY, VIRGINIA, B.A. (Hons.), B.Ed., M.A. (Windsor), Assistant Professor, English
READ, SHAWN, B.A. (St. Thomas), C.P.A. (Dalhousie), Coordinator, UCC Student Employment Centre
REED, J. NORMAN, B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Waterloo), Assistant Professor, Chemistry
REID, MICHELLE, B.S.W. (U.Vic.), M.S.W. (Brit. Col.), Assistant Professor, Social Work
REID, ROBIN, C.L.R.T. Dipl. (MRC), B.A., M.A. (Calg.), Tourism Management
REIMER, ELIZABETH, B.A., Cert. Ed. (U.Vic.), M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto), English
REISER, HENRY, C.I.P. Electrical (Ont.), Dipl. Electronics, CMFgE, (Robotics), B.Sc. (Toronto), I.D. (Brit. Col.), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Chairperson, Electronics & Engineering
RENNIE, ELIZABETH, B.A. (Calg.), M.L.S. (Syracuse), Campus Librarian (Wm. Lk.)
REY-BILBEY, MARIE-CHRISTINE, L. ès. L., M.A. (Aix-en-Provence), D.E.L.E. (Level 2 – Spanish), French & Spanish, Coordinator, Modern Languages
RICE, FREDERICK A., R.T., A.R.T., Allied Health
RICHARDS, BRYAN, B.A., Cert. Ed. (Brit. Col.), College Prep.
RICH-McQUAY, IRIS, B.S.W. (Brit. Col.), I.D. (V.C.C.), C.O.P.E., Counselling
RILLE, JOE, Cert "A" Weld. (B.C.), I.P. Welding (B.C.), Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), T.Q. Steel Fabricating (B.C.), Welding
ROBERTS, WILLIAM L., B.A. (Reed), M.A., Ph.D. (S.F.U.), Psychology
ROBERTSON, JEANETTE, B.S.W. (Calg.), M.S.W. (U.Vic.), Social Work
ROBINSON, LESLEY, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), M.Sc. (S.F.U.), Mathematics & Statistics
ROLLANS, SHANE, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Alta.), Ph.D. (Waterloo), Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Statistics
ROSENTRETER, RON, Trade Cert. (Can.), Culinary Arts
ROSS, KAREN, B.Sc. (Hons.) (Waterloo), Lab Faculty, Biological Sciences
ROSVICK, JOANNE, B.Sc., (Alta.), M.Sc., Ph.D (U.Vic.), Assistant Professor, Physics (Astronomy)
RUHL, BARBARA, B.Sc. (Hons.) (Guelph), B.Ed. (West. Ont.), Lab Faculty, Chemistry
RUIZ-SERRANO, CRISTINA, B.A., M.A. (Complutense University of Madrid ), B.A., M.A. (Moscow State Linguistic University – Russia in Linguistics and Translation), Ph.D. (Alta.), Spanish
RUPERT, MAYA, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Comp. Sc.), M. Sc. (Stats.) (L.U.), Diplôme d'Etudes Approffondies, (Rennes), CIST
RUVINSKY, MAXINE, B.F.A., Cert. Journalism, M.A. (Calg.), Ph.D. (McGill), Assistant Professor, Journalism
SALVATORE, JOHN, B.Eng. (McMaster) I.D. (B.C.), College & Career Preparation
SANSOME, MICHAEL, B.Ed., Cert. Ed. (Brit. Col.), T.E.S.L. Cert. (V.C.C), E.S.L.
SAWKA, STEPHEN, B.A. (U.C.C), P.D.P. (S.F.U.), Theatre Arts
SCHEFFEL, DAVID, B.A. (Man.), Cert. Soc. Anth. (Cantab), M.A. (Memorial), Ph.D. (McMaster), Associate Professor, Anthropology
SCHERZER, DAVID, B.A. (Concordia), B.A. (Calg.), Dipl Ed. (McGill), Ph.D. (Montreal), English
SCHETTINI, PHILIP, I.D. (V.C.C.), Dipl. Hospitality Mngt. (Cheltenham, U.K.), T.Q. (B.C.), M.Ed. (S.F.U.), Tourism Management
SCHIGOL, MARILYN, B.A. (Sask.), R.N. (Cariboo College), M.Ed. (S.F.U.), Nursing
SCHUMACHER, JANIE, B.A., Cert. Ed. (Brit. Col.), College Prep
SCOLLON, KEVIN B., Cert. Hort. (U.C.C.), Dipl. Hort. (Olds), I.D. (Brit. Col.),
SCOTT, NATASHA, B.Sc. (Waterloo), Dipl. Comp. Sc. (Algonquin), Instructional Assistant, Web Based Applications
SEDGMAN, DAVE, D.V.M. (Sask.), Animal Health Technology, Chairperson, Agriculture-Related Programs
SELDON, JAMES, B.A. (Hons.) (Carleton), Ph.D. (Duke), Professor, Economics
SELDON, ZENA, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Iowa State), Ph.D. (Man.), Associate Professor, Economics
SHEETS, DAVID, R.R.T. (U.C.C.), I.D. (V.C.C.), Respiratory Therapy, Program Coordinator, & Respiratoty Therapy, Anesthesia Assistant
SHIELDS, MIKE, Voc. I.D. (Brit.Col.), C.I.P. H.D. Mech. (B.C.), C.I.P. Automotive Tech. (B.C.), H.D. Mechanics/Automotive Speciality (Wm. Lk.)
SHKLANKA, DIANA, B.A. (Hons.) (Sask.), M.A. (Cornell), M.L.S. (Simmons Coll.), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.), English (Wm. Lk.)
SIGGERS, JOHN, B.Sc. (Nottingham), M.Ed. (Gonzaga), Mathematics & Statistics
SIGLOCH, BERNDT, Dipl. Ing. (T.U. Berlin), M.B.A. (Brit. Col.), Accounting & Management Science
SIMON, KAREN, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Chairperson, College & Career Preparation
SIMPSON, KEN, B.A. (Hons.) (Wilfrid Laurier), B.Ed., M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.), English
SIMPSON, SHARON, R.N., B.Sc.N. (Brit. Col.), M.S. (Portland), Assistant Professor, Nursing
SKELLY, MATT, Master Technician, T.Q. (Marine, Inboard/Outboard Marine & Outdoor Power Equip.), C.I.P. (B.C.), Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), Marine Inboard/Outboard and Outdoor Power Equiment
SMITH, BRENDA, B.A., M.A. (S.F.U.), M.L.I.S. (Brit. Col.), Access Services Librarian
SMITH, MAUREEN, B.A. (Calg.), M.Ed.St. (Queensland), Assistant Professor, Technical/Professional English
SMITH, RON G., B.Sc. (Calg.), M.Sc. (S.F.U.), Ph.D. (Dalhousie), Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
SMITH, RONALD, B.Ed., Dipl. Ed., M.A. (Calg.), Ph.D. (Leeds), Assistant Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
SNYDER, JANICE, B.Sc., Ph.D. (Alta.), Assistant Professor, Psychology
SORENSEN, JACQUELINE, B.N.R.S. (U.C.C.), Lab Faculty, Natural Resource Sciences
SPULLER, JOSEPH, B.Sc. (SUNY-Stony Brook), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Brit. Col.), Physics
ST. JOHN, ANNE, B.A., M.A. (Cleveland State), Ph.D. (Kent State), History
STAINTON, TIM, C.I.P. H.D. Mech. (B.C.), C.I.P. Comm. Trans. (B.C.), C.I.P. Auto Tech (B.C.), Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), Chairperson, Mechanical Trades and Welding
STEFAN, ADRIANA, B.Sc. (Bucharest), M.Math. (Transylvania), Dipl. in C.I.S. (Langara), Mathematics & Statistics
STEIGER, JANE, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), E.S.L.
STEVENS, NAN, B. Phys. (McMaster), B.Ed. (Lakehead), M.Ad. Ed. (St.F.X.), Assistant Professor, Education
STEWART, LOIS, B.A. (Alta.), M.A. (Queen's), Sociology
STEWART-PATTERSON, IAIN, B.P.E., M.Ed. (Calg.), A.C.M.G., U.I.A.G.M., I.F.M.G.A., Adventure Programs
STIEG, FRANZ, Trade Cert. (Austria), T.Q. (Cook) (B.C.), I.D. (V.C.C.), Culinary Arts
STODDARD, ALICE, B.S.W. (Hons.) (U.Vic.), M.Ed. (U.N.B.C.), College & Career Preparation
STRUMECKI, JOSEPH, Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), C.I.P. H.D. Mech. (B.C.), C.I.P. Comm. Trans. (B.C.), Commercial Transport/Heavy Duty Mechanics ELTT
SUTHERLAND, KATHERINE, B.A. (Hons.), M.A. (U. Vic), Ph.D. (York), Associate Professor, English
SWING, ANITA, B.A. (Alta.), English
TAMAS, MURRAY, C.I.P. H.D. Mech. (B.C.), Marine Inboard/Outboard and Outdoor Power Equiment
TAMBLYN, KIM, B.Ed., Cert. Ed. (Brit. Col.), College Prep.
TAPLEY, ROBIN, B.A. (McGill), M.A. (U.N.B.), Ph.D. (McMaster), Assistant Professor, Philosophy
TARZWELL, GORDON, B.A. (Calg.), M.A., Ph.D. (Queen's), Assistant Professor and Chairperson, Economics
TAWHID, MOHAMED, B.Sc. (Alexandria), M.Sc. (Concordia), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Maryland), Mathematics & Statistics
TAYLOR, COLIN, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Lab Faculty, Physics
TAYLOR, SHARON, B.A. (U.Vic.), College & Career Preparation
TEMPLEMAN, ELIZABETH J., B.A. (Cornell), Cert. Ed., M.A. (Cent. Wash.), Chairperson, E.S.L.
THOMPSON, BRENDA, B.A. (Hons.) (Trent), M.A. (West. Ont.), English & Technical/Professional English
THOMPSON, DAN, B.Comm. (Hons.), B.Ed. (Man.), M.B.A. (Queen's), Cert. in Data Processing (R.R.C.), C.M.A., C.F.A., Assistant Professor, Accounting & Finance, and Chairperson, Management
THOMPSON, DEBORAH, B.P.E., P.D.A.D. (Alta.), Cert. Ed., M. Ed. (Manchester), E.S.L.
THOMPSON, SHAWN, B.A. (Hons.) (West. Ont.), M.A. (Queen's), Assistant Professor, Journalism
THOMSON, BRUCE, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Cert. Ed. (S.F.U.), M.A.T. (S.I.T.), E.S.L.
THORAVAL, YVES, L. ès. L., M.A. (Rennes), French
TITHECOTT, JOAN, B.A. (Queen's), Cert. Ed. (Ont. & B.C.), M.A. (Brit. Col.) E.S.L.
TOMKINS, DAVE, B.A. (Regina), M.Sc. (Calg.), Mathematics & Statistics
TORDOFF, GORDON K., T.Q. (Auto/H.D. Partsperson Specialty) (Ford, Dagenham, England), Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), Partsperson
TOTTEN, JIM, B.A. (Sask.), M.Math., Ph.D. (Waterloo), Mathematics & Statistics
TSIGARIS, PETER, B.Comm., M.A., Ph.D. (Concordia), Assistant Professor, Economics
TSUI, ERNEST, B.Sc., M.Sc. (London), Ph.D. (Sussex), Physics
TWYNAM, NANCY, B.Sc. (Concordia), M.Sc. (Oregon), College Prep.
TYSON, FLORENCE, R.N., B.Sc.N. (U.Vic.), M.S.N. (Brit. Col.), Nursing Year 3 & 4 Coordinator,
URBAN, JOANNA, R.T., M.Sc. (Poland), Lab Faculty, Biological Sciences
VALADE, GILLES, Dipl. Gen. Ins. (Vieux Montreal), Dipl. Adv. Tour., B.T.M. (U.C.C.), C.I.P. Ins. (Inst. of Canada), Co-Chairperson, Adventure Programs
VAN HAMME, JONATHON, B.Sc. (Hons.), Ph.D. (Waterloo), Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
VAN ZAND, PAUL, Dipl. Bldg. Tech. (B.C.I.T.), Adv. Design Dipl. (V.S.A.), A.Sc.T., EDDT
VEDD, RISHMA, M.B.A. (City), Ph.D. (Dundee), C.G.A., Associate Professor, Accounting & Management
VERMEULEN, SANDRA, B.A. (Hons.) (Winnipeg), M.A., PhD. (S.F.U.), Assistant Professor and Chairperson, Psychology
VIAUD, GILLES, B.A., M.A. (Laval), Ph.D. (Sask.), Assistant Professor, Geography, Chairperson, Geography, Sociology, and Anthropology
VILLENEUVE, ERIC, B.Sc. (Ottawa), M.Sc. (Calg.), College Prep.
WAGNER, DALE, R.N., B.S.N. (Leth.), M.S. (C.C.H.S.), Nursing
WAHN, JUDY, B.A., M.B.A. (Sask.), Ph.D. (Alta.), Assistant Professor, HRM & Management
WALDICHUK, TOM, B.A. (Carlton), Ex. Dipl. (S.F.U.), M.A. (Wilfrid Laurier), Ph.D. (York), Assistant Professor, Geography
WALKER, ED, Trade Cert. (Can.), I.D. (V.C.C.), Culinary Arts
WALKER, NERINE, B.A., B.L.S. (S. Africa), Cert. Ed., M.Ed. (S.F.U.), E.S.L.
WALMSLEY, CHRISTOPHER, B.S. (Springfield), M.A. (S.W.P.) (McMaster), Ph.D. (Laval), Assistant Professor, Social Work
WALTON, BILL, N.D.D. (Newcastle), A.T.D. (Leicester), Visual Arts, Chairperson, Visual Arts & Performing Arts
WALTON, LINDA, N.D.D. (Berkshire), A.T.D. (Leicester), Visual Arts
WALTON, PATRICK, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed. (Regina), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.), Associate Professor, Education
WARD, BRIAN, I.P. Elect. (Alta.), Dipl. CAST (U.C.C.), I.D. (Brit. Col.), Electrical
WARKENTIN, LYRA, B.A. (Calg.), T.E.S.L. Cert. (Sask.), E.S.L.
WARREN, BERNIE, B.Sc.F. (Toronto), M.A.Sc. (Waterloo), Management Science & MIS
WATSON, E. KENT, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Assistant Professor, Natural Resource Sciences
WATSON, SHERI M., B.Sc., M.Sc. (Calg.), Lab Faculty, Natural Resource Sciences
WEISGERBER, DENISE, B.A. (Brit. Col.), M.A. (Toronto), Psychology
WELCH, TROY, M.Ed. (S.F.U.), Chairperson, EDDT/DAAD
WELLS, DIANE, R.N., B.Sc.N. (Portland), Nursing
WEREMCZUK, GEORGE, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Dipl. Met. (McGill), Comp. Maint. Cert. (U.C.C.), Lab Faculty, Physics
WHARF, DAVE, C.I.P. H.D. Mech (Alta.), C.I.P. Comm .Trans. (B.C.), Voc I.D. (Brit. Col.), Heavy Duty Mechanics Apprenticeship
WHITE, GRANT, Auto Mech. (B.C.) (Sask.), H.D. Mech. (B.C.), Comm. Trans. Mech. (B.C.), Voc. I.D. (Brit. Col.), Automotive Specialty
WHITE, MARILYN, R.N., B.N. (McGill), Nursing
WHITE, STEPHEN, I.P., Plumb. (B.C.), Gas "B" (B.C.), I.D. (Brit. Col.), Plumbing
WHITTLES, MARTIN, B.A. (Leth.), M.Sc. (L.S.E.), Ph.D. (Cantab), Assistant Professor, Anthropology
WIEBE, LES, Cert. "A" Weld. (B.C.), I.P. Welding (B.C.), T.Q. Steel Fabricating (B.C.), Voc. I.D., Level III Weld. Inspector, Welding
WILLIAMS, DAVID, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
WILLIAMS, HEATHER, B.A. (Hons.) (Alta.), C.A., C.M.A., Accounting & Finance
WILTSE, LYNNE, B.Ed. (U.Vic.), M.Ed. (Alta.), Assistant Professor, Education
WOEPPEL, PHYLLIS, B.Sc., B.Ed. (Sask.), Administrative Assistant Program
WONG, ANDREW, B.Sc., B.F.A. (Brit. Col.), M.A. (Bowling Green), Lab Faculty, Visual Arts
WYKES, TED, Dipl. Tourism (Sir Sandford Fleming), I.D. (V.C.C.), M. Intl. Tour. Mngt. (Southern Cross, Aus.) Chairperson, Tourism Management
WYLIE, KEN, B.P.E. (Calg.), A.C.M.G., Adventure Programs
YARMIE, ANDREW, B.A. (Hons.) (U.Vic.), Ph.D. (London), Associate Professor, History
YIU, SAI, B.Sc. (King's Col.), Ph.D. (Alta.), Chemistry
YOUNG, DAVID, B.A., B.Ed., M.A. (Brit.Col.) Assitant Professor, Education
YU, ROGER, M.Sc. (Shandong), Ph.D. (S.F.U.), Professor, Mathematics & Statistics
ZAWADUK, CHERYL, R.N. (U.C.C.), B.S.N. (U.Vic.), M.S. (Portland), Assistant Professor, Nursing
ZHANG, YAYING, B.A. (Yangzhou), M.A., Ph.D. (S.F.U.) Assistant Professor, English/Rhetoric and Professional Writing
ZWINGLI, KURT, Trade Cert. (Switzl.), I.D. (V.C.C.), D.M.A.T.P., Culinary Arts