President |
Roger H. Barnsley, B.A. (Hons.) (U.Vic.), M.A., Ph.D. (McGill) |
Assistant to the President |
Arlee Strachen |
Executive Assistant to the Board of Governors & Office of the President |
Maryanne Bower |
Director, Public Relations, Publications & Student Recruitment |
Josh Keller |
Vice-President, Academic |
C. Neil Russell, B.Sc. (Man.), M.A. (Cal.-Northridge), Ed.D. (U.S.C.) |
Associate VP, Academic |
Colin James, B.A. (Hons.), Ph.D. (Keele) |
Executive Assistant, Office of Associate Vice Presidents |
Sally Maio, Microcomp Cert. (U.C.C.) |
Associate VP, Research |
Tom Dickinson, B.Sc. (Hons.) (Queens), M.Sc. (Calg.), Ph.D. (Pennsylvaia) |
Co-ordinator, Research Services |
Trevor Davis, M.Sc. (U.Vic.), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.) |
Executive Assistant, Office of the Vice President, Academic |
Dorene Radmacher |
Instructional Liaison Officer |
Heather Friesen, B.A. (Brit. Col.), M.B.A. (Heriot-Watt) |
Dean, Arts |
Henry Hubert, B.A. (Alta.), M.A. (S.F.U.), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.) |
Administrative Assistant |
Penny Snell, B.A. (S.F.U.) |
Dean, School of Advanced Technologies & Mathematics |
Donald Noakes, B.Sc. (Eng.) (Guelph), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Waterloo), P.Eng. |
Dean, School of Business (Interim) |
Brock Dykeman, B.A. (Hons.), Lic. Acct. (Brit.Col.), M.Sc. (Sask.), C.A. |
Continuing Studies Consultant |
Andrew McKay, B.A. (Hons.), M.P.A. (U.Vic.) |
Dean, School of Education |
Kathryn McNaughton, Dip. E.C.E. (Toronto), B.A. (Waterloo), M.Ed. (Alta.), Ph.D. (A.S.U.) |
Dean, School of Nursing |
Susan Duncan, R.N., B.S.N. (Alta.), M.S.N. (Brit. Col.), Ph.D. (Alta.) |
Continuing Studies Consultant |
Inga Thomson-Hilton, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Dipl. Ed. (S.F.U.), B.S.W. (U.Vic.), M.A. (S.I.T.) |
Dean, School of Social Work & Human Service |
Helen Szewello Allen, B.S.W (Hons.) (Laurentian), M.S.W. (McGill) |
Dean, School of Tourism |
G. David Twynam, B.P.E. (U.N.B.), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Oregon) |
Dean, School of Trades & Technology |
Ralph Finch, T.Q. (Steamfitting & Pipefitting), Voc. I.D. (Brit.Col), Cert. "A" Weld. (B.C.), Level I Weld Inspector, I.P. (B.C.) |
Transitions & Apprenticeship Manager |
Larry Dyck, A.Sc.T. (B.C.I.T.) |
Program Delivery Manager |
Carey Miggins, C.M.A. |
Dean, Sciences (Acting) |
Larry Prins, R.R.T. (Fanshawe), I.D. (Brit. Col.), M.A. (Gonzaga), Advanced R.R.T. (C.S.R.T.) |
Administrative Assistant |
Linda Underwood, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.) |
Continuing Studies Consultant |
Donna Mason, B.A. (Cal.-Long Beach), M.Ed. (S.F.U.) |
Dean, Student Development |
Susan Safford, B.A. (Beloit), M.S. (Central Wash.) |
Administrative Assistant |
Sarah Graham, B.A. (Brit. Col.) |
Continuing Studies Consultant |
Lori De Frias, L.T.C.A./H. Cert. (U.C.C.) |
Disability Services Manager |
T.B.A. |
Student Affairs (interim) |
Nancy Twynam, B.Sc. (Concordia), M.Sc. (Oregon) |
Dean, Williams Lake Campus |
Rob Anderson, B.Comm. (Mt. Allison), M.B.A. (City), C.G.A. |
Community Co-ordinator (Ashcroft) |
Heather Wisla, BSc. (Sask.) |
Community Co-ordinator (Barriere) |
Susan Ross, Dipl. Metal. Tech. (B.C.I.T.) |
Community Co-ordinator (Chase) |
Vicki Skjeie |
Community Co-ordinator (Clearwater) |
Sylvia Arduini |
Community Co-ordinator (Lillooet) |
Jane Bryson |
Community Co-ordinator (100 Mile House) |
Jo Ann Smith, I.D. (B.C.) |
Continuing Studies Consultant (Wm. Lk.) |
Debbie DeMare |
Continuing Studies Co-ordinator (Wm. Lk.) |
Julie Bowser, I.D. (B.C.) |
Continuing Studies Co-ordinator (Wm. Lk.) |
Lorne Lazzarotto, B.A. (U.Vic.) |
Director, Advanced Technology Centre (Interim) |
Tom Dickinson, B.Sc. (Hons.) (Queen's), M.Sc. (Calg.), Ph.D. (Pennsylvania) |
Director, Athletics & Recreation |
Kenneth M.Olynyk, B.A., P.D.P. (S.F.U.), M. Ed. (U.Vic.) |
Director, Library & Information Services |
Nancy Levesque, B.A. (W.U.-St. Louis), M.L.S. (Emory) |
Executive Director, UCC International |
Cyndi McLeod, I.D. (B.C.), M.B.A. (New Zealand), D.M.A.T.P. |
Associate Director, UCC International |
Vera Wojna, B.Ed., M.Ed. (Brit. Col.) |
Associate Director, International Contract Services |
Ivan Somlai, M.A. (Tribhuvan), C.I.M. (INSEAD) |
Manager, International Marketing |
Christopher Gas, B.A. (Regina) |
Manager, International Projects |
Larry Peatt, Acct. Dipl. (U.C.C.) |
Manager, Study Abroad Centre |
Geoff Wilmshurst, B.A. (St. Mary's), Cert. Languages (Shangdong) |
Registrar |
Dennis Mayberry, B.Comm. (Brit. Col.), C.G.A. |
Manager, Admissions/Registration & Records |
Ray Pillar, B.A., M.A. (U.Vic.) |
Manager, Financial Aid & Awards |
Garry Prevette, C.G.A. |
Vice-President, Administration & Finance |
Cliff Neufeld, Bus. Adm. (B.C.I.T.), F.B.A., C.M.A. |
Associate VP, Administration and Planning & Director, Institutional Research & Planning |
Alastair Watt, M.A. (Aberdeen), Dipl. Ad. Ed., M.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Ph.D. (Exeter) |
Purchasing Manager |
Robert Shanks |
Buyer |
Barbara Chmilar, C.P.P. (Purc. Mngt. Assoc. of Canada) |
Executive Assistant, Office of the Vice-President, Administration & Finance |
Linda Walch |
Budget/Audit Officer |
T.B.A |
Capital Planning and Projects Manager |
Philip Hanmer |
Director, Ancilliary Services |
Gerard Hayes, B.A. (Memorial) |
Bookstore Manager |
Brian Mitchell, B.A. (Hons.) (St. Mary's) |
Print Services Manager |
Doug Smith, T.Q. (Printing) (B.C.) |
Director, Computer & Technical Services (Interim) |
Alastair Watt, M.A. (Aberdeen), Dipl. Ad. Ed., M.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Ph.D. (Exeter) |
Manager, Technical Services |
Wesley Cole, B.Sc. (U.Vic.) |
Director, Facilities Services |
John Feller, B. Eng. (R.M.C.) |
Assistant Director, Building Services |
Les Tabata, B.Comm., R.I. (B.C.), FRI(E) |
Manager, Mechanical and Electrical Services |
Doug Halliday, T.Q. (Refrigeration) (B.C.) |
Director, Finance |
Ernie Millard, C.M.A |
Accounting Manager (Acting) |
Alex Blackwood, B.Sc. (U.Vic.), F.A., C.M.A. |
Director, Human Resources |
Lynn Joly, B.Comm. (Alta.), M.B.A. (Brit. Col.) |
Administrative Secretary |
Susan Petrovcic |
Assistant Director, Human Resources |
Dan Haley, B.A. Special Soc. (Alta.) |
Human Resources Officer |
Shannon Joly, B.B.A. (U.C.C.) |
Human Resources Officer |
Irene Bazell, C.H.R.P. |
HRIS Co-ordinator |
Brenda Simard |
Human Resources Clerk |
Linda Butt |
Human Resources Clerk |
Linda Ward |