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Biology Note

BIOL 111/121 is designed for biology or science majors.

Students planning to take a General Science degree or to major in biology must take BIOL 111/121.

BIOL 109 is designed as an introductory science course for those who have taken no previous biology, and who do not intend to major in the sciences. This course is designed as a science elective for Arts majors.

NOTE: Credit will not be given for BIOL 109 and either BIOL 111 or BIOL 121.

See Also


BIOL 050

BIOL 060

BIOL 062

BIOL 109

BIOL 111

BIOL 121

BIOL 125

BIOL 125

BIOL 159

BIOL 169

BIOL 210

BIOL 211

BIOL 213

BIOL 215

BIOL 220

BIOL 221

BIOL 225

BIOL 234

BIOL 300

BIOL 302

BIOL 303

BIOL 310

BIOL 311

BIOL 313

BIOL 320

BIOL 321

BIOL 323

BIOL 324

BIOL 329

BIOL 331

BIOL 335

BIOL 343

BIOL 351

BIOL 352

BIOL 354

BIOL 355

BIOL 360

BIOL 402

BIOL 409

BIOL 410

BIOL 411

BIOL 413

BIOL 414

BIOL 415

BIOL 416

BIOL 425

BIOL 427

BIOL 435

BIOL 448

BIOL 449

BIOL 498

BIOL 499