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Computing note

NOTE: It is recommended that students registering for Computing 113 or 170 seek the advice of a Computing Science Department Faculty member prior to registration to determine which course is most suitable for their needs. Students with a B in Computer Science 12 may apply to the Computing Science Department for advanced placement into Computing 123.

Prerequisites: To qualify for a prerequisite, a mark of C- or better must be achieved.

See Also

Computing Science

COMP 040

COMP 050

COMP 060

COMP 065

COMP 100

COMP 113

COMP 114

COMP 123

COMP 124

COMP 135

COMP 138

COMP 139

COMP 152

COMP 157

COMP 167

COMP 170

COMP 191

COMP 198

COMP 211

COMP 212

COMP 213

COMP 220

COMP 223

COMP 252

COMP 253

COMP 254

COMP 256

COMP 257

COMP 259

COMP 262

COMP 263

COMP 264

COMP 266

COMP 267

COMP 268

COMP 291


COMP 305

COMP 311

COMP 312

COMP 313

COMP 314

COMP 315

COMP 323

COMP 324

COMP 327

COMP 332

COMP 341

COMP 342

COMP 343

COMP 351

COMP 352

COMP 354

COMP 361

COMP 364

COMP 371

COMP 411

COMP 412

COMP 423

COMP 424

COMP 425

COMP 432

COMP 434

COMP 448

COMP 451

COMP 452

COMP 454

COMP 461

COMP 462

COMP 463

COMP 473

COMP 474

COMP 475

COMP 482

COMP 483

COMP 491

COMP 492

COMP 493

COMP 498