Admission Requirements:
Admission to the Bachelor of Arts degree requires BC Grade 12 or Adult Dogwood or Mature student status.
Mathematics 11 or higher is strongly recommended for students pursuing Education or a major in Sociology or Psychology.
Applicants who do not have 73% on combined English 12 and Government exam in the last five years will have to complete one of the following prerequisites to qualify for ENGL 110:
To ensure a good selection of courses, it is recommended that applicants apply as soon as possible after the October 1 date.
Applicants should be aware of the timetabling and registration workshops that are available on-line ( for help in determining courses required. Applicants can also take advantage of the Step One and Group Advising sessions offered throughout the school year to help make the process of applying and determining program requirements easier to understand. Please contact Academic Advising at (250) 828-5075 for more information.
Students intending to transfer to UCC or from UCC to other institutions should check the BC Transfer Guide to ensure the courses taken will transfer.