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Program Advising

Students in the first and second years of the B.A. program should choose their 100-200 level courses in consultation with Academic Advisors in order to meet the basic requirements and the specific course requirements of 300-400 level courses. After completing their first 30 credits, but before completing their first 60 credits, students will be required to consult with a B.A. Program Advisor and declare a degree option. The B.A. Advisor will assist each student in selecting 300-400 level courses to meet graduation requirements and any specific requirements for the various degree options. Students wishing to complete a Major program must consult a Major Program Advisor in the discipline selected prior to seeing the B.A. Advisor. The Major Advisor will assist each student in selecting courses that satisfy the Major program requirements. The B.A. Advisor will then ensure that all additional B.A. degree requirements are met. For appointments call:

B.A. Program Advisor

(250) 828-5202

Geography Advisor

(250) 828-5116

Aboriginal Studies Advisor

(250) 828-5376

History Advisor

(250) 828-5116

Economics Advisor

(250) 371-5732

Mathematics Advisor

(250) 828-5169

Economics & Political Studies Advisors

(250) 371-5564

(250) 371-5523

Psychology Advisor

(250) 371-5521

English Advisor

(250) 371-5580

Sociology Advisor

(250) 828-5116

See Also

General Information

Program Description

Basic Requirements (Applicable to all B.A. Degree Options)

Continuation Requirements