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Continuation Requirements

The UCC B.A. is a four-year degree program. Once a student is admitted to the program, he or she will continue in the program without having to re-apply for entry into Year Three. However, continuation from Year Two into Year Three is contingent upon meeting the following requirements:

  1. First-Year English Requirement. Advancement to Year Three of the UCC B.A. Program requires satisfactory completion of the First-Year English requirement. Students who do not meet the six credit first-year English requirement before completing 60 credits of Arts-eligible credits, taken either at UCC or another post-secondary institution, will not be permitted to register in courses other than First-Year English until that requirement is satisfied.
  2. G.P.A. Requirement. Advancement to Year Three of UCC B.A. Program requires a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 2.0. (In exceptional circumstances students with a cumulative G.P.A. of less than 2.0 but no lower than 1.95 will be conditionally registered in Year Three with the approval of the Dean of Arts.)

See Also

General Information

Program Description

Program Advising

Basic Requirements (Applicable to all B.A. Degree Options)