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Degree Completion Requirements

Elective courses should be chosen so as to ensure that the following Degree Completion Requirements are satisfied.

  1. Complete at least 120 semester credits including a minimum of 50 credits in non-BBUS courses.
  2. Complete in the final 60 credits a minimum of 51 semester credits in Upper Division courses, including a minimum of 39 credits in Business.
  3. Complete at least four 400 level BBUS/BUEC/ECON courses including BBUS 478.
  4. Complete all Lower Division Requirements, General Education Requirements, Core courses in 3rd and 4th year, and a Concentration or Major.
  5. Maintain an overall CGPA of at least 2.0, grades of C- or better in all Core and Concentration/Major courses, and a minimum CGPA of 2.0 in Business Studies.
  6. Notify the Program Advisor of their intent to graduate. Notification must take place prior to the drop/add deadline in the final semester of degree study.

See Also

Bachelor of Business Administration Degree Program


Lower Division Requirements

Upper Division Requirements

Business Administration Degree Program Policies

BBA Co-operative Education Option

Honours Degree Option