A Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) Degree can be earned by maintaining a GPA of 3.00 or higher in 3rd and 4th year while either (i) completing additional upper level courses or (ii) writing a thesis.
Course route students should take four additional 3rd and 4th year courses in Business, Business Economics, Economics or an approved related area and must graduate with at least six 400 level BBUS, BUEC, ECON or approved related courses instead of the normal four.
Those interested in the Thesis Route must take two additional courses:
BBUS 398-3 Business Research Methodology
BBUS 498-9 Honours Thesis
Students will take BBUS 398 in the Winter Semester of 3rd year. BBUS 498 is a directed studies course in which students prepare a thesis under the supervision of a faculty member. The availability of the Thesis Route will be dependent on sufficient student demand and funding.
No grade in upper level courses can be lower than B- (GPA 2.67), although students can re-take courses once to meet the necessary grade requirement. To be admitted, students must have maintained a GPA of 3.0 or higher when meeting the Lower Division Requirements.