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BBA Co-operative Education Option

Sample Co-op Time Pattern


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5


Academic Semester 1

Academic Semester 3

Academic Semester 5

Academic Semester 7

Co-op Work Term 5


Academic Semester 2

Academic Semester 4

Academic Semester 6

Co-op Work Term 3

Academic Semester 8



Co-op Work Term 1

Co-op Work Term 2

Co-op Work Term 4


Co-op Education integrates academic studies with paid periods of relevant work experience and usually extends the graduation date by a year. Advantages of the Co-op Option are that students get paid job experience in the field of their concentration or major and employers get exposure to potential future employees. Placement in the Co-op Option is competitive, with most Co-op employers located outside the Kamloops region. Students are not guaranteed job placement in any given work term.

Participation in the BBA Co-op Option is voluntary and admission is limited. Students normally apply in the fall semester of their 2nd year, but can apply in the fall semester of 3rd year. Students will be chosen by a selection committee based on grades, completion of specific courses in the discipline, previous work/volunteer experience, and a letter of application. Successful students will participate in a course entitled Working to Learn which offers instruction in career development skills.

Applicants must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.67 (B-) to be admitted to and remain in the Co-op Option. Students must have completed 51 credits including ECON 190, ECON 195, BBUS 221, BBUS 237, BBUS 254, and BUEC 232 before beginning Work Term 1. Students must complete three Co-op Work Terms to graduate with the Co-op Distinction, but no more than two Co-op Work Terms may be completed in the summer semester and their degree must end on an academic term.

See Also

Bachelor of Business Administration Degree Program


Lower Division Requirements

Upper Division Requirements

Degree Completion Requirements

Business Administration Degree Program Policies

Honours Degree Option