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Book Index

Course Requirements

Semester 1

Semester 2

BIOL 111

Principles of Biology 1

BIOL 121

Principles of Biology 2

ENGL 110


COMP 135

Information Systems and Computerized Information Analysis.

FRST 112

Dendrology 1

ECON 190

Principles of Microeconomics

MATH 115

Calculus for the Biological Sciences 1

FRST 122


AGSC 220


Dendrology 2


Food Production at a Local Level and Beyond

NRSC 111

The Science & Management of Natural Resources

ENGL 111** or

Introduction To Prose Fiction


* Elective

Total 15 credits

Total 15 credits


see the department Chairperson before selecting an elective


Students achieving a grade of B or higher in ENGL 110 will not be required to take ENGL 111. Students not taking ENGL 111 must take a 3 credit elective.

Semester 3

Semester 4

BIOL 300


CHEM 120

Principles of Chemistry 2 or
CHEM 121

CHEM 110

Principles of Chemistry 1 or
CHEM 111

ENGL 230

Critical Thinking & Writing for Science and Technology

FRST 200

Introduction to Study of Soils

FRST 211

Forest Mensuration

FRST 210

Forest Ecology and Silvics 1

FRST 220

Forest Ecology and Silvics 2

NRSC 223

Geographic Information Systems



Total 16 credits

Total 15 credits

Semester 5

Semester 6

BIOL 303

Population Biology

NRSC 320


ECON 370

Benefit Cost Analysis

NRSC 326


Or ECON 371

Economics of the Environment

Two of:

(If RPF all three)

or ECON 373

Forestry Economics

NRSC 402

Natural Resource Entomology

NRSC 300

Diversity and Ecologyof the Vertebrates

NRSC 403

Natural Resource Pathology

NRSC 311

Range Ecology

NRSC 413

Fire Ecology and Management

NRSC 317








Total 15 credits

Total 15 credits

Semester 7

Semester 8

ANTH 219

ANTH 260

Ancient North Americans

Minorities in the Modern World

NRSC 410

Fisheries Management

ANTH 327

First Nations Natural Resource Management

NRSC 411

Watershed Management

NRSC 321

Range Management

NRSC 421

Conflict Resolution in the Natural Resources

NRSC 322

Wildlife Management

NRSC 423

Graduating Essay


2 Electives



1 Elective




Total 15 credits

Total 15 credits

Possible program electives:

ADVG 420 Rec/Tourism Management

FRST 263 Basic Forest Surveying

NRSC 424 Research Design

In This Section

Entry to Program for Technology Graduates


Course Descriptions

See Also

Bachelor of Natural Resource Science Degree Program

Admission Requirements

Bachelor of Natural Resource Science Honours Program