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Bachelor of Natural Resource Science Degree Program

Dean of Science

Lawrence S. Prins, RRT(A), MA

Chairperson and Coordinator


Program Description

In a world where specialization is the norm in university training for careers in the natural resource professions, the demand from industry and government agencies is increasingly for professionals who are generalists. The BNRS program addresses this need by providing a course of study that is unique in its scope and purpose. The program consists of 120 credits which can be completed in four or five years on a full-time basis or up to seven years on a part-time basis once admitted to the program.

The purpose of the BNRS degree program is to prepare students for careers in a wide range of natural resource sector jobs and for further academic study in graduate school. The program goals are met by providing a unique combination of courses covering biology, ecology, scientific methods, and sector-specific resource management skills in a cooperative education format. Students will learn problem solving, oral and written communication skills, and integration of various disciplines in both an independent and team environment.

By understanding the scientific, economic, and social basis of natural resource issues, graduates of the program will be able to effectively interface between diverse interest groups, all having a stake in how our terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are managed.

Courses and field work dealing with management of the various sectors give students technical skills in a wide variety of management disciplines. Upon graduation, students will have acquired a wide range of technical abilities in assessing the status of ecosystems. This assessment covers aspects such as forestry, fisheries, range, and wildlife management.

Possible areas of employment after completion of the BNRS degree include resource management and planning for government or industry, operational forestry, and teaching. In addition, the degree will qualify students for academic studies at the graduate level.

For students interested in certification by a professional association, UCC is seeking accreditation for selected specific courses from the Association of British Columbia Professional Foresters.

Completion of the BNRS degree fulfills the academic requirements of the B.C. Institute of Agrologists and Professional Biologists.

As well, students wishing to enter a teaching program at the secondary level can do so with an additional 6 credits of upper level biology courses. Please see the chairperson before planning electives.

UCC is an equal opportunity educational institution, and encourages applications from women, First Nations students, challenged students, visible minorities, and international students who wish to pursue a degree in Natural Resource Science.

In This Section

Admission Requirements

Course Requirements

Bachelor of Natural Resource Science Honours Program

See Also

Degree Programs

Bachelor of Arts Degree Program

Bachelor of Business Administration Degree Program

Business Post-Baccalaureate Diplomas

Bachelor of Education (Elementary) Degree Program

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Program

Bachelor of Journalism Degree Program

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Journalism

Bachelor of Science Degree Program

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program

Bachelor of Social Work Degree Program

Bachelor of Technology in Applied Computing Science Degree Program

Bachelor of Tourism Management Degree Program