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Majors Program With a Minor

Students in the B.Sc. Majors Program may also complete a Minor in a discipline or disciplines outside their major. This allows the student to acquire extensive experience in an area outside the discipline of their Major, and to identify this experience as a component of their degree on their transcript.

A student may pursue a Minor in either another area of Science (Biology, Chemistry, Computing Science, Mathematics and Statistics, or Physics) or in a discipline within the Arts for which sufficient upper level (300 and 400 level) courses are available.

A Minor in Management is available to students in the B.Sc. Majors program.

A Cross Disciplinary Minor in Archaeology and Geology (Geoarchaeology) is available to students in the B.Sc. program.

A Minor requires the completion of at least 30 credits and no more that 42 credits in the area of the Minor. At least 18 of these credits must be at the upper level. No more than three (3) of the required upper level credits can be the same for both the Major and the Minor. In addition to this, Minors in some disciplines have more specific requirements.

A Minor in Chemistry requires that at least one (1) of the upper level credits is in a laboratory course.

A minor in Archaeology and Geology must include:

  1. 3 credits in first or second year Archaeology from; ANTH 111 or ANTH 119 or ANTH 219
  2. 9 credits in third and fourth year Archaeology from; ANTH 305, ANTH 306, ANTH 326, ANTH 411, ANTH 420, ANTH 433
  3. GEOL 111 or GEOG 112
  4. GEOL 205 or BIOL 121
  5. 9 credits in third and fourth year Geology from; GEOL 301, GEOL 303, GEOL 319, GEOL 425, GEOL 448

A Minor in Management must include the following courses:

MATH 110

Finite Mathematics with Application 1; OR

MATH 141

Mathematics for Business and Economics 2; OR

MATH 124

Calculus 2

MATH 120

Introduction to Statistics; OR

STAT 200

Introduction to Statistics; OR

PSYC 210

Analysis of Psychological Data; OR

BUEC 232

Economics and Business Statistics 1; OR

BIOL 300

Biometrics; OR

SOCI 271

Introduction to Social Statistics

ECON 190

Microeconomics; OR

ECON 195


BBUS 221

Financial Accounting

BBUS 312

Introduction to Financial Management

BBUS 343

Introduction to Marketing

BBUS 381

Introduction to Human Resource Management

One additional 300/400 BBUS, BUEC, ECON course

One additional 300/400 BBUS, BUEC, ECON course

One additional 300/400 BBUS, BUEC, ECON course

Students taking a Major in Mathematical Sciences cannot take a Minor in Computing Science.

A minor in Computing Science must include at least three of the required Computing Science courses selected from the following list: COMP 305, COMP 327, COMP 341, COMP 352, COMP 354, and COMP 361.

Specific requirements for Minors programs in the Arts disciplines are detailed in the Bachelor of Arts Degree Program section of the calendar. Students intending to complete a Minor in one of these disciplines are advised to consult the B.A. Advisor.

Students considering a Minor must plan their program very carefully and should complete during their first two years any lower level (100 and 200 level) prerequisites required for the upper level courses they plan to take in the field of their Minor. In most cases the completion of a Major and a Minor will require the completion of more than 48 upper level credits and may, depending upon what lower level courses are taken, require the completion of more than a total of 120 credits for graduation.

See Also

Majors Program

Double Majors Program

B.Sc. Co-operative Education Degree Program

Course Requirements For A Major Program

Honours Program