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Minimum Criteria for Admission

  1. Educational Requirements
    1. B.C. Grade 12 or equivalent; or mature student status
    2. B.C. Chemistry 11, Chemistry 050, or equivalent; C+ minimum grade
    3. B.C. Math 11 (Principles), Math 050/051, or equivalent; C minimum grade
    4. B.C. Biology 11, Biology 050, or equivalent, C+ minimum grade
    5. B.C. Grade 12 Science, Biology 060, Chemistry 060, Physics 060 or equivalent, C+ minimum grade.
    6. 73% on the combined English 12 and Government exam (within the last 5 years)

      or Level 4, on the composition section of the Language Proficiency Index (within the last 2 years)

      or completion of English 060

      or completion of CESL 053 and CESL 054 and CESL 057 with a grade of C+ or better.

      *Please note science requirements for 2005 will change to Chemistry 11, Biology 12 and one other science grade level 11 or grade 12.

  2. General Requirements
    1. Complete medical form
    2. Complete immunization schedule
    3. Canadian citizenship or landed immigrant status
    4. 4) Criminal Record Check (CRR)

See Also

Admission Requirements

Criminal Record Review (CRR)

Application Procedure

Special Admission Status


Awards and Scholarships

Generic Program Requirements

Other Requirements

Promotion Policy

Advance Credit Policy

Nursing Practice Experiences


Completion Requirement

Failures and Repeats (*under revision)
