Students who fail or withdraw from courses in the program may continue in the program subject to prerequisite requirements. Such students may then repeat the deficient courses in a subsequent year, subject to the availability of space.
Failing or withdrawing students should recognize that there is no guarantee of the opportunity to repeat. When the number of repeating student applicants for a program exceeds the number of available seats, the student(s) admitted will be those who achieved the highest average cumulative GPA within the Nursing Program. The department may require potential repeating students to challenge certain portions of courses in which they previously received credit in order to assess the currency of practical skills. Demand for seats in the program is such that space for course repeaters is unlikely to be available. Refer to the UCC School of Nursing Handbook.
A student who has previously failed in a health-related program and who subsequently applies for admission to the same program or to another health-related program will be regarded as a repeating student, unless he/she can show cause for being treated as a new student.
A student who receives a failing grade in a course for failure to meet objectives related to professional accountability or patient safety may be refused re-admission to the program, or another health-related program, at the recommendation of the Department Chairperson and on the approval of the Dean, School of Nursing.
All potential repeating students are reminded that they are subject to program completion time requirements.