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Special Admission Status

Applicants seeking Mature Student status should refer to the Academic Information section of the Calendar. Mature students will normally be required to meet the Science, Math and English prerequisites. These courses must be current within the past 10 years. LPI score must be current within the past 2 years. It is recommended that Biology 12 be current within the past 2 years.

Mature students who have recently completed BIOL 159/169 or equivalents with a C+ or above grade may have the Chemistry 11, Biology 11 and Biology 12 prerequisites waived. Consult with the Chairperson, Nursing. Please note the science requirements for 2005 will change to Chemistry 11, Biology 12 and one other Science 11 or 12.

Applicants who have a valid combination of previous nursing education and experience, at least at the Licensed Practical Nursing or Registered Psychiatric Nursing level, and a suitable academic background, may be granted appropriate credit in the program. Candidates for admission under these provisions should apply for Special Admission Status. This special status applies only to students who can demonstrate the appropriate combination of education, experience, and academic credentials and each case will be assessed on an individual basis. Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) may be used to establish special status. Contact the Chairperson of Nursing Programs for information.

Students with partial credit from recognized nursing programs, may apply as transfer students and may receive transfer credit for some or all of their previous course work.

Students who have previous post-secondary nursing educational credits and wish to discuss their eligibility for an advanced placement in the program may contact the School of Nursing by telephone for individual counselling/advising.

See Also

Admission Requirements

Minimum Criteria for Admission

Criminal Record Review (CRR)

Application Procedure


Awards and Scholarships

Generic Program Requirements

Other Requirements

Promotion Policy

Advance Credit Policy

Nursing Practice Experiences


Completion Requirement

Failures and Repeats (*under revision)
