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First Year Engineering Course Requirements:

Fall Semester


COMP 152*

ENGL 110

DRAF 152

EPHY 115

ECHE 111**

MATH 113

Winter Semester


APSC 120

EPHY 170

ECHE 121**

MATH 130

EPHY 125

MATH 123

Complementary Studies (3 credits)***

*Students planning to transfer to UVic or SFU can take either COMP 113 or COMP 152 in the fall semester, but must substitute COMP 123 for complementary studies in the winter semester.

**Students who have not completed Chemistry 12 (or equivalent) will be required to take CHEM 110/125 rather than ECHE 111/121.

***UBC approved complementary studies courses include ANTH 111, 119, and 121; ECON 190, and 195; ENGL 111; GEOG 211 and 222; HIST 103, 112, 122, and 126; PHIL 111 and 121; POLI 111 and 121; PSYC 111 and 121; SOCI 111.

See Also

UCC Engineering Transfer Programs


University of British Columbia

University of Victoria

Simon Fraser University

University of Alberta

University of Calgary

Procedure for Admission to UCC Engineering Transfer Year 1 Directly from Secondary School

Institutional English Requirements

Procedure for Admission to UCC Engineering Transfer Year 1 from First Year Science

Procedure for Admission to UCC Electrical-Computer Engineering Transfer Year 2 after First Year Engineering

Second Year Electrical-Computer Engineering Course Requirements:

Procedure for Admission to UCC Electrical-Computer Engineering Transfer Year 2 after a Year or more of Science Studies