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Procedure for Admission to UCC Engineering Transfer Year 1 from First Year Science

Students who have completed first year Science studies at UCC or elsewhere may also apply for entry into the first year Engineering Transfer Program.

Applications should be received no later than March 1 for admission the following September. Applications will be accepted after March 1 if space permits. Admission to the Engineering transfer program is competitive and will be based on cumulative GPA and grades earned in prerequisite courses. Simply meeting the minimum criteria for admission from Science will not guarantee a seat in the program.

The minimum prerequisite is completion of the following together with an overall cumulative grade point average of 2.5:

CHEM 110/125 or 111/121 (or 125)1


ENGL 110 or ENGL 111


MATH 113/123 2 or

MATH 114/124



PHYS 115/1253 or 110/120


Appropriate Electives4

(9 college credits with C+ or better)

1 For students who did not take CHEM 12 or equivalent, CHEM 110/125 are acceptable for Engineering Transfer.

2 MATH 113/123 are preferred but MATH 114/124 with suitable standings will also be accepted for Engineering Transfer.

3 Students who have not taken PHYS 115/125 or equivalent will be required to take EPHY 115/125 if admitted to the engineering program.

4 Students should consider the following in their course planning and selection of Science electives:

Transfer to UBC Engineering requires a complementary studies elective selected from ANTH 111, 119, and 121; ECON 190, and 195; ENGL 111; GEOG 119, 120, 211 and 222; HIST 103, 112, 122, and 126; PHIL 111 and 121; POLI 111 and 121; PSYC 111 and 121; SOCI 111.

Sufficient standings in COMP 113 and MATH 130 can constitute credit for COMP 152 and MATH 130 normally taken in first year Engineering.

COMP 123 is required for transfer to UVIC and SFU Engineering programs.

Suitable science electives are outlined in the UCC calendar. Since some courses are common between the first year engineering and science programs, students can better prepare themselves for engineering transfer through careful course selection. Interested students should pay particular attention to course selection note 4 in the table above and consult with the program coordinator if they require further guidance.

Successful applicants with suitably high standings can expect to receive Engineering transfer credit for selected Science courses completed as outlined above. These students will be enrolled in a mixture of first year Engineering and second year science or Electrical-Computer Engineering courses selected in consultation with the program coordinator. Course selections will depend on courses previously completed, desired engineering specialization, and choice of receiving institution. These could include but will not necessarily be restricted to the following:

APSC 120

GEOG 119, 120, 211, 212, and 222

CHEM 200, 212, 222, 215, and 225

MATH 130, 211, 212, 222, 256, 300, and 317

COMP 113, 152, 123, and 2xx

PHYS 200, 215, 225, 309, and 310

DRAF 152

STAT 200

EECE 254, 256, 259, 280, 281, and 285

Complementary Studies Electives

EPHY 115, 125, and 170

ENGL 255

Suitable additional elective courses may be selected to round out a student's course load.

See Also

UCC Engineering Transfer Programs


University of British Columbia

University of Victoria

Simon Fraser University

University of Alberta

University of Calgary

Procedure for Admission to UCC Engineering Transfer Year 1 Directly from Secondary School

First Year Engineering Course Requirements:

Institutional English Requirements

Procedure for Admission to UCC Electrical-Computer Engineering Transfer Year 2 after First Year Engineering

Second Year Electrical-Computer Engineering Course Requirements:

Procedure for Admission to UCC Electrical-Computer Engineering Transfer Year 2 after a Year or more of Science Studies