Girls Only Weeks

Statistically, there are fewer girls pursuing a STEM education. High school science classes often become "uncool" for girls to enroll in or girls begin to believe they aren't capable, or smart enough, to succeed in science. This contributes to the lower number of females in post-secondary STEM classes, and the wage gap between men and women.

We all want the female youth of today to have the confidence and self-esteem to accomplish whatever they put their minds to. By running an all-girls week of science camp, we hope to foster excitement, inquiry, and confidence in the women of tomorrow.

Last summer we offered our Girls Only week for the fourth time. The camp was very well received by all and we had a great time! We hope to continue this initiative for years to come and continue to encourage girls to pursue their interests in STEM.

Learning in an all-female environment results in girls being six times more likely to major in STEM subjects at the post-secondary level. We predict this is because girls feel free to explore and aren't as nervous about making mistakes in front of their female peers. In addition, as a generalization, boys tend to enjoy hands-on activities without fear of "messing up" or breaking anything. Without the boys present to lead the way, the young girls must work together to figure it out themselves, learning they are entirely capable of participating and succeeding at STEM tasks and activities.

Girls Only Weeks will take place from July 8 - 12th and August 12 to 16th!

During these weeks, we will be running camp as usual, with the same projects found in all other B-weeks of camp (with a few exciting twists!). Therefore, if your daughter is interested in participating in Girls Only Week as well as an additional week of camp, please only sign her up for an A-week of camp as her additional week.

All 4 of our science camps (Junior, Intermediate, Senior, and Codemakers Technology Camp) will be part of our Girls Only Week! We will have encouraging and fun female role models as the instructors of these camps, as well as female mentors from the community to demonstrate a variety of STEM career options.

Registration for Summer 2024 will open on May 5th! To register your daughter, please visit the registration page. Register early because we suspect camps will fill up quickly!

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