Message from the Chair

Welcome to the Tourism Management department at TRU.

Tourism is an exciting, diverse, and evolving sector of our economy. In British Columbia, tourism is a leading economic sector and, globally, tourism offers significant development opportunities. In addition, tourism is a worldwide sociocultural phenomenon and has the potential to be transformative for individuals, communities, and broader destination regions.

Our Tourism Management Department at Thompson Rivers University offers programs designed to prepare students for dynamic and exciting careers in this vibrant sector. Our innovative programs are developed in collaboration with provincial, regional, local, and Indigenous tourism representatives and our courses incorporate the latest research in tourism studies.

We believe in providing our students with hands-on learning experiences that extend beyond the classroom. Through student exchanges, field schools, and work placements, our students engage with a wide array of stakeholders across the full spectrum of the tourism sector.

In the Tourism Management Department we are very proud of our graduates. They are a testament to the strength and success of our programs. They are pursuing fulfilling careers in the tourism sector in Kamloops, across BC, and around the world, and they are always ready to support the next generation of Tourism Management graduates when they finish their studies.

Our faculty and staff in the Tourism Management Department collaborate with community and industry partners to both enhance the classroom experience and to contribute to the development of the tourism sector. We are happy to talk about tourism any time so please reach out to me or one of my colleagues if you want to talk about tourism too!

Patrick Brouder