Consultation Summaries
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Nov. 14 working session:
Focus: What makes a good vision, values and priorities
On the morning of Nov. 14, a diverse group of 28 students, faculty, staff and community members came together to share their thoughts on what makes a good vision, values and priorities. To foster a rich discussion, the group had received “thought starters” including dozens of examples of visions, values and priorities from universities, private corporations and nonprofits as well as articles from Harvard Business Review, MIT and Inside Higher Education. Following is a summary of their input:
Vision: Participants expressed a desire for a short, clear, inspiring, authentic statement about TRU’s vision for the future. The vision statement’s intention, in the eyes of the participants, was to guide TRU to the kind of university we aspire to be and the change only we can make in the world.
Values: A section about our values should focus on the norms that inspire and guide our behavior; be stable over time and linked to our identity; and represent our commitments to each other.
Priorities: Participants also indicated a preference for a fewer number of priorities that meet SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-based) criteria and would speak to things we aim to change or to do differently over 10 years.

Nov. 25 working session:
Focus: Review of Envision TRU consultation report to identify possible directions for vision, values and priorities
On Nov. 25 President Fairbairn hosted a day-long working session involving 88 students, faculty, staff and community members that focused on generating a long list of potential directions for TRU’s new vision, values and priorities for the next 10 years. Each table engaged in robust discussion and based on the overall report on the eight-month Envision TRU consultation produced by Integrated Planning and Effectiveness. The group also heard comments from the vice-presidents on their respective portfolios. The session concluded with a dotmocracy exercise where participants had an opportunity to express their preferences on all thoughts produced throughout the day. Following is a summary of their input:
Vision: Participants felt strongly about including Secwépemc concepts. Aspirations for TRU to be a university that embraces adaption, innovation and accessible pathways to students and the theme of “local to global” also came through.
Values: Comments about community (internal and external) and qualities described as “adaptive”, “flexible”, and “responsive” dominated group input on future TRU values.
Priorities: Integrating different modes of delivery, inclusivity and intercultural competency, and action to provide more personal educational pathways and mentorships were key elements of the discussion.
What’s next?
President Brett Fairbairn and senior leaders are reflecting on the feedback provided in Envision TRU Phase 1 and 2 and in the two working sessions, and are progressing through a drafting process for a new TRU vision, values and strategic priorities. Stay tuned!