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Employment Skills and the Practicum Component of the Culinary Arts Program

This is a required course designed to take the student from the production kitchens at UCC to production kitchens found in the Restaurant and Foodservices Industry. The intent is to create a transition from a learning environment to the work environment and eventual employment with the tourism industry's largest employer.

Students will be required to write a resume and with the assistance of their instructors, find and secure a summer work Practicum for a minimum of 120 hours. Students will be evaluated by their instructor and work supervisor during and at the completion of their work experience.

While this Practicum component of the program will usually take place in the summer, students may be permitted to take this course at other times of the year after discussion and approval of their instructor.

See Also

Culinary Arts

Chairperson, Culinary Arts Department

Program Description

Admission Requirements

Course Content

Career Advancement


Program Development

Graduation Credentials

Culinary Arts Upgrading