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Program Outline

The Retail Meat Processing Program will include the following courses:

MEAT 101

Safety and Sanitation

MEAT 102

Beef and Veal Processing

MEAT 103

Pork, Lamb and Poultry Processing

MEAT 104

Seafood Merchandising

MEAT 105

Beef and Pork Merchandising

MEAT 106

Cooking and Carving

MEAT 107

Employment Skills

MEAT 108

Processed Meat

MEAT 109

Business Calculations and Procedures

Note: While the basic components of the program are standard, the program is designed to keep pace with industry demands, and is subject to change without notice.

Theory sessions are supplemented with guest speakers, including:

In addition, special lectures by UCC staff will include:

About half way through the program there will be seminars on Public Relations, Customer Contact and Advertising. Visits to some local meat cutting operations will take place early in the program to help familiarize the student with the industry. Other field trips may include visits to beef fabrication operations and/or chicken processing plants.

Note: Students will be advised of special guests, lectures and field trips in advance wherever possible. All of these are subject to change depending on availability.

All practical courses consist of instructor demonstrations followed by the student applications. Except for the recognition of animal bone structure and of primal and secondary cuts, practical subjects are followed by supporting theory sessions that may then be combined with practical demonstrations.

See Also

Retail Meat Processing


Instructor/Lab Demo

Program Description

Admission Requirements


Orientation Session


Practical Work Experience

Program Development

Graduation Credentials

Retail Meat Processing Apprenticeship