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Admission – General Policy

Basic Requirements

The basic requirement for admission to most UCC programs includes:

Along with basic requirements, students will need specific high school course requirements set by each program. Detailed admission requirements for each individual program are provided in this calendar under the program descriptions.

UCC strongly recommends that students complete as many Grade 12 level courses as possible, including Computing, Math, Sciences and Social Sciences, to enhance their success.

Out-of-Province: The basic requirement to apply to UCC is proof of high school graduation, with the equivalent of 73% in Grade 12 English. Applications from all provinces are treated equally, and fees are the same for all Canadian students.

In This Section

Admission – Three Kinds of Processes

See Also

Applying for Admission (Step 1)

Application Procedure

Admission Of Mature Students

Admission of Students Currently Enrolled in Secondary School

Admission From Secondary Schools Which Are Not Accredited Provincially

Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Programs

Citizenship Requirement

International Students

Transfer Credit

Use of Personal Information Notification