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Admission From Secondary Schools Which Are Not Accredited Provincially

Students who request admission to UCC and who do not qualify under mature student status and who do not possess certification from a provincially-accredited program may be required to:

  1. Demonstrate Grade 12 equivalency by writing a general admission test such as the Canadian Achievement Test (CAT), or GED.
  2. Demonstrate proficiency in specific program or course prerequisites by:
    1. Writing Grade 12 B.C. provincial exams in required courses. (The mark obtained will represent 100% of their grade), or
    2. Completion of equivalent UCC courses.
  3. Perform at the appropriate prerequisite level on the Canadian Achievement Test for vocational programs.
  4. Write the Language Proficiency Index test and perform at a level specified by program.

See Also

Applying for Admission (Step 1)

Application Procedure

Admission – General Policy

Admission Of Mature Students

Admission of Students Currently Enrolled in Secondary School

Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Programs

Citizenship Requirement

International Students

Transfer Credit

Use of Personal Information Notification